Chapter Eight

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Billie's POV:

Billie's plans for the evening didn't involve an altercation with her student, the same student she could not for the life of her stop thinking about. Ever since she did the most unethical thing a teacher could possibly do.. have sex with her. Of course she pretended like it never happened, which wasn't fair on y/n. Billie was the more mature adult, she should be taking responsibility for her actions. Fear and regret weren't the reasons she was brushing the situation under the rug.. the thrill she felt when it happened, the adrenaline rush that coursed through her veins, and the pure enjoyment it gave her, were the sole reasons she tried to forget about it.

Billie also didn't intend on having a breakdown and falling asleep at her desk, yet here she was. Ridden with panic because she was late home, which meant her husband was having to make his own dinner; which in his eyes was the wife's job. She hadn't even gotten around to grading her students tests which were due back the following morning. What was it about y/n that got under her skin, compelling her to abandon her responsibilities.

By the time Billie had left the school, heading home to greet her husband like the dutiful wife she was, it was coming up to 6:00pm, The blonde now sat in her car outside her house cleaning up her tear stained face, dreading what awaited her behind her four story mansion, as she did every night. If she played the part of a doting wife, and did everything she was supposed to, he would leave her alone.. usually. Until he wanted a quick fuck, and then she would just lay there, trying not to cringe with every aggressive thrust.

Billie hoped to god he was late home too when she noticed they were no lights on, but that feeling quickly died when she noticed his car parked in the driveway, hidden in the darkness.

Plastering a smile on her pristine face; with no evidence of the hysterical mess she was earlier, she climbed out of her car. The cold air hitting her like a mack truck as she quietly hurried up the front path, bracing herself for what she was about to walk into.

The house was dark and silent, which sent shivers running down Billie's spine as she entered her home. She kicked off her heels and discarded her bag, trying to be as quiet as possible. Her husband was probably lurking in the shadows, but then again the man was unpredictable.

The blonde tiptoed through the house, checking every room, but there was no sign of him. She relaxed a little, releasing a breath she'd been holding as the tension eased from her shoulders.

Maybe he was out.

Billie entered the kitchen, heading straight for the wine rack, pouring herself a glass of red before she made a start on dinner.

The blonde was too busy getting lost in her thoughts about a particular student of hers, as she sipped her red wine, she didn't notice her husband standing in the doorway; watching her.

"You're home late."

Billie jumped slightly, red wine spilling onto her white blouse. She silently cursed herself for her idiocy, before pouring the rest of her wine down the sink. Giving her a few seconds to come up with a believable explanation as to why she was late home.

"Grading papers.." she lied, hoping he couldn't detect the slight shake of her voice and see right through her. "I'm about to get started on dinner, what do you fancy?" The blonde quickly tried to change the subject, finally meeting his gaze across the room. She made an attempt at sounding calm and upbeat like her heart wasn't hammering against her chest.

"Grading papers?" He questioned, stalking closer to her. Billie backed away slightly, ignoring his question as she began to busy herself making dinner.

"That takes what.." he paused for a moment, glancing down at his watch. "2 hours?" Another brief pause. "Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you!"

The blonde flinched slightly when he rose his voice. He was now stood right behind her, his heavy breathing warming the back of her neck. Turning to face him, Billie held her breath, forcing a small smile as though she wasn't trembling inside.

"I'm sorry I was late home, it won't happen again." Her voice had lost all of its usual confidence, replaced by a timid whisper. It was like there were 2 different Billie's, the school version of her and the home version.

"You didn't answer my question." He growled, clenching his teeth together. "You were grading papers for 2 hours?"

The blonde forced herself to look into his dark, malicious eyes as he towered over her. Billie was a tall woman, but her husband was way taller and he used that to his advantage, intimidating her whenever he got the opportunity. That's exactly what she did with y/n.

"Yes.." Billie finally spoke, a little more self assured this time. "I have a lot of students which means I have a lot of papers to grade." She sounded a little more flippant than intended and mentally kicked herself for that and for being this pathetically scared of the man she married.

"Now, I'm going to get started on dinner." The blonde made the mistake of turning her back to him so she wasn't surprised when he forcefully grabbed her by the arm, pulling her to him. There were so many things that pissed her husband off and made him angry, but the main one, that drove him absolutely crazy was when she turned her back to him, especially in the middle of a confrontation.

"I'm not fucking finished!" He yelled, his vice like grip tightening on her arm. "If I find out you're lying.." his voice was now dangerously low, his face only an inch from hers.

"I'm not.. I swear.. please let go, you're hurting me!" She willed herself not to tear up even though his tight grip was sending shocks of pain up and down her arm, as she tried to pull away.

Of course he ignored her plea, his silence being the most frightening thing of all. "Just remember," he whispered in her ear. "Without me, you'd be nothing.." he paused for a moment, breathing in heavily. "I own you." He then added before roughly shoving her back, causing her to stumble slightly, hitting her hip hard against the counter.

Billie held back the tears as she rubbed up and down her arm, silently watching as her husband stormed out of the kitchen. The house shook as the front door slammed shut. Tears began to stream down her face, but she roughly wiped them away before picking up her wine glass, ready to pour herself another. But before she could comprehend her actions, the wine glass flew across the room, hitting the wall and shattering to pieces.

Just breathe, Billie told herself before quickly cleaning up her mess. She didn't bother getting another glass, just took the bottle of wine and headed upstairs.

I'm back with another update, hope you enjoyed! Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Thanks for all your love and support.
~T ~

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