My Planeswalker

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POP! The electro-converter exploded over my head just as the whistling started again. Looking at my readouts, this many blowouts was definitely a good sign. I looked over to the bulging converter on the wall, where the whistling was eminating from, and could tell exactly when it would explode. 3... 2... 1... POP! This time I was ready, and ducked down when the countdown hit 2. The first time we heard the whistling, we thought the Æther portal was activating. But, sadly, it was just an electro-converter preparing to blow.

Electro-converters were staples to our experiments. They allowed us blastseekers to ramp up power with little input. I couldn't explain exactly how they worked, all i knew was they worked, and they worked well. Unfortunately, they are very hard to replace, as nobody but Niv-Mizzet knows how to make them.

As my team and I went to gather the salvageable pieces of the converters, I noticed one thing about the wreckage: there wasn't any! All of the converters were gone! I raced to the failed portal and ran my hand along its base. It was warm!

This could only mean one thing: The Æther hole had worked! But only slightly. The transplane field must have rerouted through the power feeds and activated on the excessive amounts of power within the electro-converters. I jotted these notes down in my lab journal.

I explaned to my team my discoveries, and got mixed reactions. Some were appalled, some doubted what I said, but the best reaction I received was from my primary assisstant, Chan.

Chan was younger, blazing red hair, and more adept at pyromancy than she was at tinkering, but she stayed in it for my sake. We had been friends ever since the Izzet Academy, and she was one of the only people I could trust at my side.

Chan almost lept up and down with all her excitement. This was always what we wanted. We often daydreamed about building an Æther portal in the Academy, wondering what other planes were out there. Now our goal was finally being realized.

I sent my team home later, after working a little more on the formulas, and eventually filing for more converters from the Firemind.

When we all returned the next day, not only was there a box of converters sitting on the main desk, but a strange man with an electrical device on his arm was waiting for us. "The name is Ral, Ral Zarek," the man said.

Of course! How could I forget Ral Zarek, one of the best Izzet mages, and a planeswalker at that.

"I heard you made a real breakthrough with an Æther hole, is that correct?" he asked. I stepped forward, "Yes, sir. We believe that the transplanar wave that would normally have been contained by the machine somehow backfired and ran along the electric current and reacted with the electro-converters.

"Hmm," Ral sighed to himself, "I came here to watch, instructed by Niv-Mizzet himself. I was wondering if you could use any help with the power?" I looked at my team, a few looked back at me and nodded. "Yes, we were actually hoping to come to the attention of a planeswalker soon enough, because we had a theory about your sparks," I explained to the curious planeswalker, "We think that there might be a way to use your planeswalker spark and ignite the artificial spark inside of the machine. That way, we theorize, we can control the plane the subject lands on."

Ral thought for a bit, then said, "Interesting. Have you any idea how I would ignite the spark of someone else, let alone ignite an artificial spark?" I knew he would say something like this, and already had an answer prepped, "We believe that if you begin to planeswalk, while connecting yourself to something else with a spark, your sparks will almost fuse, and the energy will cause the other spark to ignite."

"Alright, I see what you're saying. So, where is the spark of this machine?"

"Under the main console, right here." I led him to where we had implanted all of the required data for spark containment. "You're sure this is safe?" Ral queried. Chan glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "We're Izzet. Did you really just ask that?" she said with all intended sarcasm. "Fair enough." was his only answer- he was trying to concentrate.

Ral laid his hands on the control panel, and a blue-ish red-ish aura begin to form around him, signs that he was opening a tunnel through the Æther. Moments later, there was a loud POP! similiar to the ones heard previously when the converters "exploded", and Ral was gone. Immediately, the machine whirred to life.

A few seconds later, the planeswalker reappeared in a flash of red and blue light and the popping sound heard earlier.

After ensuring that the machine could still function without exploding, for real this time, my team began arguing about who should try it first. "Let Ral do it, he can come back," "Mark should do it, he's boss," "Vote on who should do it!" were all heard. We settled on a vote, and after quite a few accusations of voting twice, the numbers were in.

My team decided to send me, as i was the one who invented it. I was not going to disagree. I asked Ral of another plane in existence. "Theros, multiverse coordinates are 927.27.52/1314," was the first plane he named, and I settled for it, as it sounded somewhat interesting from various rumors by planeswalkers. I punched in the coordinates and jumped onto the platform.

I got a thumbs up from Chan, and nods of approval from my other teammates. Looking over at Ral, he said "Don't worry, kid. If it works, i'll be able to bring you back," and with a reassuring nod, he flipped a switch. Suddenly, there were blue and red lights flashing around me, the humming was turning into a shrill whistle, and everything was going blurry. Then, nothingness.

At first I thought I had died, but there was still the feeling of existence, so I knew that wasn't true. But there was a white hot burning sensation inside me, down at me very core. "Oh no," I thought, "I've left some organs back home." But that wasn't it.

No, it felt more like power than pain. A pure, electrical energy that surged through my very being. I began to wonder what on Ravnica this could be, and speaking of Ravnica, I looked around and saw it, the spires gleaming it the starlight. Although, I could also see other worlds.

There was a strange world off to my right, one half light and the other darkened, although nothing seemed to cause the divide. To my left was a world that seemed to be collapsing in on itself, mana energies flailing this way and that. On yet another, right below me, it seemed a perpetual twilight, although there were plenty of places that seemed to shine with what almost seemed like angelic light.

But there, right beside me, was the plane of Theros. I took a step towards it, as if that would do me anything in this outer-space like place. Surprisingly, it worked. I was transported instantly to the plane, into the middle of a square.

Up on what appeared to be a temple, stood a grand leonin warrior, clad in green and white. I felt an odd buzzing coming from him. Suddenly ,he glanced up from what he was doing and locked eyes with mine.

He came to me, and his stature immediately identified him as the white planeswalker Ajani Goldmane. He came to me with a quizzical look on his snout. "You, I have never seen you before," the leonin stated, "Tell me, where are you from?" "Ravnica," I replied, "And let me say what an honor it is to-" the leonin held up a paw. "Stop, planeswalker, do not humble yourself, it is I who is honored to meet you."

Wait, did he say...?

"I'm sorry, lord Ajani, but I am not a planeswalker. I was just part of an Izzet experiment with an Æther portal. I'm afraid I do not have a spark," I explain to him.

"No, I can sense it in you, your spark has been ignited. My assumption is that your contact with the Æther has ignited it for you."

The would make sense, but I still couldn't believe it. "If I am now a planeswalker, how would I get home to Ravnica?"

The leonin laughed, which was really more of a roar, then said, "You have no home now! You are no longer bound by anything! However, to answer your question, you planeswalk by focusing on the plane you wish to travel to, or by focusing on the Æther in between all planes, and journeying from there."

Thanking him for his help, I focused as hard as I could on Ravnica. On all the spires and how they gleamed in the sunlight. On all of the markets and how they smelled, ripe with fresh fruits. On every little detail that made up the Izzet guildhall. Suddenly, I heard the all-too-familiar POP! and found myself right there, at the base of Niv-Mizzet's mighty throne.

This was going to take a lot of explaining.

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