For keagan_the_insane

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The pit-lords were waiting. They didn't like to be kept waiting. The last one that kept them waiting was thrown into a place whose terrors were only known through rumors. I must not keep them waiting.

Throughout the history of the multiverse, demons were known on every plane as harbingers of death, destruction, and other evil deeds. In reality, however, they were quite civilized amongst themselves. They even had their own religion of sorts.

And that religion is what is keeping them waiting.

The ceremony was simple: walk up to the platform, tear out the heart of the tribute, bless it with infernal incantations, put it back into place, and welcome the new member to the demonic ranks.

Under normal circumstances, it was very simple. But not this time.

The pit-lords, rulers of all of Hell, were watching this ceremony, hoping that the new demon would be a suitable replacement for their fallen associate, Grislebrand.

It was these demons, in fact, that made the deal with Liliana Vess and bestowed her with necromancy beyond any other. It was also these demons who sought revenge upon her for murdering their own.

And i was to give them their replacement.

I am a priest of Hell, a slightly different class than the rest of the demons, and i perform rituals, sacrifices, and torturings for our religious purposes. A really enjoyable job.

As I walk onto the platform i can sense the dark auras eminating from the place of honor in the hall. I recall to myself what i was told before i agreed to the ritual, "Do not look at them, or they will destroy you. Do not disappoint them, or they will destroy you. Do not..." the list goes on and on.

The tribute must have been young, i think to myself, looking at the body. It will be a shame to rip into the corpse and ruin it with the profanity of our kind.

Nevertheless, i do so anyways, else i would be destroyed. As i rip into the body, my mind goes reeling at the thought of everything that could go wrong -so much so that i almost drop the heart- and i suddenly become very self conscious.

As i begin the incantation, i focus on what i am about to say, and say it twice in my head before i allow it to escape my lips. But then something goes wrong, i repeat one of the lines twice. Hopefully nothing will happen because of it, and if nothing else the line was Let the vessel become strong and mighty as to serve Hell to the fullest. I suppose it would be benificial to them anyways if it really did have some effect.

When i finish the incantation and return the heart to its rightful place, i feel the dark energies fester inside the man and become a full demon, but something is wrong.

The vessel shrivels up, and fails to contain the demon, then the demon weakens as well. Quickly, to hide my mistake, i engrave a rune onto the body that helps ward off possession.

Once the demon has died, i make a show of examining what went wrong, all to aware of the growing energies around me. I finally "find" the sigil, and show the pit-lords why it went wrong. But they don't believe me. They know i planted it, and for my crimes sentence me to destruction.

I nod in acceptance of my fate, and close my eyes, but the destruction never comes. I peek at them, and i can see them all struggling to destroy me: something is preventing them!

I look around, but only see the empty hall. Whatever is causing this has something to do with me. Quickly, i run over what happened in the ceremony. I think hard on the mistake i made in the incantation, analyzing all possible outcomes it could have, and settle on that not being the reason for this. I go over everything else in my head and realize that in the very beginning, i failed to place the binding spell on the body, so instead the demonic presence targeted me for the vessel.

That must be why they can't kill me! Every time they destroy me, the other demon takes over and heals the first one, then they destroy that one and the first one takes over! I am invincible!

Quickly, i place a shround of darkness between them and me, and flee to one of Hell's exits. "The only place left for me is on one of the many planes" i say, hoping it's true, and i walk out into the multiverse.

But this time it's different, instead of appearing at the gateways to all planes, instead i walk into  a vast, dark space, with worlds floating in front of me, i start walking around, but my steps seem faster and longer than usual, and i don't even feel like i'm walking, more like i think of walking in a direction and that's the direction i go.

Then i take a look at the worlds, and see that that is was they really are! I can identify Shadowmoor, and Mirrodin is just above it, and across the "room," which i now see is the Æther itself, is Alara!

Quickly, i choose some unknown peice of rock floating around and decide to hide there to hone my new planeswalking abilities. When i arrive, there is a loud POP and a red and white flash, which is odd, as most demons command red and black mana.

After some thinking, i realize that it's white because i am still a priest, despite being a demonic one. And i suppose it doesn't really matter why so long as i can run from the entirety of Hell to any plane in existence, as well as fight back with the power of white.

Taking on all of Hell and still survive- simple, right?

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