cornelia street

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Percy knocks on the door to a familiar apartment. Only a year ago, I would stop by here so much Sally considered me her other son. The door opened and Percy was engulfed in a hug. Once she let him go after what seemed like forever, I was next. She held me tightly, not wanting to let go. Pressing my arm with hers tightly, I winced and she pulled away but held me by my shoulders. She hugged me once more, not touching the arm that was hurt. Annabeth was next, hugging her for even longer than the rest of us.

"Come on in guys, I don't need to show you around do I?" Sally asks us. That gets a laugh out of all of us, which is surprising. Annabeth and I head over to the couch and Percy follows her to the kitchen. Probably telling her to not mention Will. It's better that way. Leave it at camp for the night. But I don't think I can do that. He keeps coming to the front of my mind no matter what I do. I look up to a pillow being thrown at my face.

"What?" I ask the culprit of the pillow throwing who just so happens to be Annabeth.

"Dinner's ready. Also, that was really fun to do," She tells me from the other side of the room. We get up and she looks like she's about to say something but then decides against it. I just dismiss it as nothing and walk into the kitchen. Sally looks at me like she feels sorry for me but doesn't say anything. Dinner was somewhat quiet, only some small talk that my thoughts drained out. Every now and then I say something along the lines of yeah or nod my head. I'm pretty sure they all can tell that I'm out of it but don't say anything since the reason is logical. Soon enough, everyone is done eating. I resort to the couch still thinking about what happened to Will. He was too young for this all to be happening to him. He always told me when we first got together how the world was a different place now than it was in the '40s and that I wouldn't get hurt for being me. He was wrong. A jolly goes through my body when I feel someone touch me, and I look up to see that it's Percy's hand on my shoulder trying to shake me out of it.

"It's time for us to go, ok?" He tells me and I nod my head. He helps me up off the couch, the exhaustion finally setting in from everything that happened. I welcome the darkness that comes with shadow traveling on Mrs. O'Leary's back. When I reopen my eyes we are back at camp and it finally sets in what I look like. I know his blood is on the hoodie I'm wearing. It's on my sweatpants. I never changed after showering, not wanting to get rid of the clothes, even though they were too stained by the blood to be saved. As much as I don't want to, I make the walk back to my cabin alone. I have more of his clothes but it doesn't matter. These ones feel different somehow, like they're holding the last piece of him that I can touch or see. I open my cabin door and see my hellhound, Obsidian, asleep on my bed. He wakes up when I sit down but just moves his head onto my lap and falls back asleep. As bad as I feel, I move his head off of me and finally go to change into different clothes, knowing I won't be allowed back into the infirmary with these on. I settle on a pair of grey sweatpants and an orange camp hoodie with Solace on the back of it. They're both Will's. Obsidian seeing me change gets up and blocks my way out of the cabin.

"I know buddy, I know you're supposed to get me to sleep right now but I can't so we're going to go and wait to be able to see Will ok?" I ask him squatting down to his level. Obsidian was one of Mrs. O'Leary's puppies about a year ago but she never tried to take care of him because he only had one head and was the runt of the litter. Even now he's only at my knee and we don't expect him to get a lot bigger. But Chiron trained him in between everything else he does to make me go to my bed if he can tell I haven't been sleeping and he can also sense when I'm starting to fade into the shadows from using my powers too often. He pretty much goes everywhere with me and I don't mind it. I find his leash on the hook on the door and clip it on. I trudge to the infirmary with him walking in front of me almost dragging me along. When I open the door, Kayla almost goes to yell at me before realizing it's me and my dog gets a free pass because he saves my life. As I sit down in a chair, Obsidian hops up beside me and puts his head into my lap. I scratch his head through his short black fur as he stretches out now with two paws on me as well.

Soon enough I fall asleep, only to be woken up by the sun in the sky the next morning. I shake my head trying to get fully awake before looking around. Austin is sitting behind a desk in the corner, while Kayla is beside me and Obsidian. He's already awake, just lying down trying not to wake me up. Austin sees that I'm awake and walks over with some kind of roll.

"How you holding up?" He asks me as he sits down, unsure of my current mood.

"I'd be better if he was awake but I know that's out of your hands now," I tell him to which he hands me what is actually a croissant.

"Here. Just because he can't remind you doesn't mean you should test yourself like shit." He states looking at the floor "There were a few times last night where we thought he wouldn't make it, but he pulled through."

"How bad is it?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" He asks me to which I nod my head "He has multiple broken ribs, a broken ankle, and most likely a concussion. We had to take out his spleen, it was bleeding too much" He takes a shaky breath, "but we think we can take out the tube breathing for him today if he starts breathing over it. He'll be ok though, he's come back from worse." I want to go see him I think but I know I wouldn't be allowed to. Not while he still needs something to breathe for him. There's no point in asking. I get up to bring Obsidian to my cabin to feed him

"Nico, come over here," I hear him tell me and I do, confused about what's happening


"How long has your shoulder been like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like how it looks like it's dislocated,"

"It's not dislocated, I think I would know if I popped my shoulder out," I tell him following him towards the back to a bed. Obi sits by my feet as I sit down.

"Ok I need you to take your shirt off in order to see this," He tells me and I do as he says. I bite the inside of my cheek as he touches it, "yep that's definitely dislocated." He goes through the cabinet on the wall and gets out a sling. He leaves the room and comes back with Percy.

"You really had to get him?" I ask and Percy makes a fake offended face

"Yeah, I needed someone to hold you in place when I pop this in,"

"Fine just do it already," I tell him and he tells Percy how to hold my other shoulder to keep my body in place when it gets popped in. He does it and Austin goes back to my shoulder. Without saying anything, he grabs my arm and pops it back into place. "A little warning next time would be great" I comment which he just laughs at and puts my arm in the sling. "Ok can I go now?" I ask him and he nods. I get up and walk to my cabin, finally being able to feed Obi. I put the food in his bowl and take off the leash. He goes to the food and starts eating. I take my sword off the wall and turn it over in my hands. It felt unnaturally heavy but I attached it and the sheath to myself noticing Obi was done eating. I stand up and he follows me all the way to the arena. Even though I could only use one arm, it was my sword arm. Soon enough, two dummies were mauled by me and I heard someone say something behind me. I spun around, sword still up which caused the person to hold their hands up in an attempt to show they were unarmed.

"Fucking hell Clarisse, you scared me," 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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