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I started to wonder if she was actually going to show up tonight I thought to myself while I sat at the bar; what if I really freaked her out with the whole necklace and hair thing earlier. I was so caught up in my own thoughts about this regretting everything I've already done tonight that I didn't even notice when Lily came and sat next to me. I was pulled out of my thoughts only by her voice when she said "Sitting all alone at a bar sarge" I think she's caught onto what that name does to me by now and it took me a couple of seconds to decide on my reply. I want to see where this could go but I really don't want to scare her off so I just replied with "You know you really shouldn't call me that mini Stark" I knew I had made the right decision when she replied with "Why? What are you gonna do if I do sarge" I simply placed my hand high up on her thigh kissed her on the cheek and walked away saying "Do it again I dare you and you'll find out"


Oh my god what have I started, I mean I'd by lying if I said I didn't like it and I definitely wanted to know what he would do but I really don't want to mess up any friendship that was forming I thought until I forced myself to stop thinking about this stuff and enjoy my party you only turn 21 once. I picked up my bottle of wine, and yes I meant bottle I went to school in England all my life remember, and walked over to where the team was sitting. 

I was in the mood to do something stupid and actually have some fun for once so I suggested we play a game of truth or dare but Nat decided she was going to spill a little secret "You know Lily last time we played truth or dare things got pretty w...

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I was in the mood to do something stupid and actually have some fun for once so I suggested we play a game of truth or dare but Nat decided she was going to spill a little secret "You know Lily last time we played truth or dare things got pretty wild if I remember correctly" she said it with a smug smile on her face.  I just gave her a death stare before replying "Yes well that was what I like to call British boarding school truth or dare and I don't quite think anyone here would be up for that" 

Steve just laughed and said "What is British boarding school?" Before I could reply a man I hadn't seen before enters the room and sits down next to me. "The great Lily Stark. I would say I've heard great things about you but if I'm being completely honest I hadn't heard of you before today." he held out his hand "I'm Loki. of Asgard" I just slap his hand away and say don't touch me. "Ouch but I've already been told that I'm not aloud to sleep with you. There's only so much I can't do at once"

"Moving on truth or dare. Yes or no?" I ask. Nat is the first one to reply "Only if we play the British version" I just sigh, roll my eyes and say in response "But Peter is not aloud to play. Its not a game for 7 year olds." Everyone laughs and Peter says in a grumpy voice "But I wanna play with the big kids" Nat also protests the rule saying "He's actually 16 and I know full well that you played this at a younger age than him" I sigh, yet again and just reply "Yes I did but he's Peter. We're at a party and he's drinking milk with a straw"

That was enough for everyone to agree that Peter was not aloud to play that game and I tell everyone my version of the rules "If you pick truth then you have to answer it but if you get told to do a dare that you are uncomfortable doing you can either take a double shot of tequila or take off one item of clothing. Are we all clear?" I get no verbal responses just a few scared looking nods. 

"Natasha truth or dare?" I ask. She replies with truth and I'm in a good mood so I go easy on her "If you could have a threesome with anyone in this room who would it be with?" She pauses for a moment before answering "Steve and Bruce" 

A few more rounds go by before Nat says "Lily truth or dare?" Knowing the game needs a little bit of spice added, I was bored already, I reply with "Dare" Nat pauses for a moment and I can tell she was thinking before she finally says "I dare you to make anyone of these boy want you in 10 seconds using only your mouth" I just smirk a little bit before saying "Well half the men in here want me already and I'm ashamed of you Natasha you've played this game with me before you should know it takes me nowhere near that long"

I stand up and walk over to the dining room dragging one of the chairs back to where everyone was sitting, place one hand either side of Bucky, lean down and tell him to sit in the chair. He does as I say and I slowly start walking towards him kicking off my heels as I walk "Time starts when your lips touch him anywhere" Nat shouts. I both of my hands in his hair and twist it around my fingers while whispering in his ear "I'm looking forward to seeing what your gonna do sarge" and within milliseconds after you said that last word your lips are on his moving strongly and passionately. You notice him going to move his hand towards your breasts so you take your hands of of his hair and use them to pin his behind the chair. A few seconds later, after I had decided I kissed him long enough to leave him wanting to though me up against a wall right here right now, I removed my lips from his, let go of my grip on his arms and walked back over to where everyone else is saying "I told you I didn't need 10 seconds and I'm very sorry to spoil your fun but my wine bottle and I are going to retreat to our bedroom and wallow in self pity for the rest of the evening. It really has been a pleasure.  Au revoir bitches" I shout as I walk back to my room leaving everyone in complete and utter shock. 

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Temptation with Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now