and so , it begins .

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here we all are , sat in the dark like idiots listening to Shinozaki ramble about 'the seven wonders of Kisaragi' . in all honesty , my mind has wandered , and I'm fidgeting with my chain of twelve ring pulls that I carry around . Shinozaki's story piques my interest when the lights quickly flicker out however , Mochida's scream disturbing my thoughts , if he hadn't I wouldn't have realised . the girls scream as well , but his scream is the loudest , causing me to giggle softly and get an elbow in the ribs from Yoshiki , and a small mumble telling me not to be so mean .

"It's . . . It's a blackout !" Mochida cried , collapsing to the floor dramatically .

"oh dear Mochida-kun , not as if we couldn't tell from the lack of light ." I mumble , earning yet another elbow from Yoshiki .

" don't be such a bitch (n/n)-chan" Yoshiki scolds me , acting like my parent once more .

"don't be a twat Yoshiki-kun" I mock him , giggling .

Nakashima speaks to Mochida , scorning him " Satoshi-kun ! Pull yourself together ! Don't scare us like that !"

"But , it was scary !" he tries to defend himself , I giggle once more .

our attention is pulled away from Mochida and Nakashima when Shinozaki speaks up . " I don't like this . . . this shouldn't be happening . . . "

beside me , Yoshiki chuckles "not bad Shinozaki-chan . you had me going there for a minute . " in the darkness I suppose he felt me tremble , my fear of the darkness kicking in , because I feel his arm wrap around me.

"It wasn't me !" she refutes " I've been stood here the entire time ! this is a real blackout !"

'knock knock'

a simple thing , a knock is , and yet , in the darkness it causes fear to shoot through me , Yoshiki's grip tightening , the security slightly soothing me .

"does . . . anyone else hear that ?!" Suzumoto speaks for the first time in a while , her voice trembling .

" sounds like it's coming from the music room . . . " Sakutaro says , quietly as usual .

'knock knock'

a few people squeak , mainly the girls , I maintain my quiet streak , never had I been so quiet around the others .

whilst Nakashima and Mochida argue Yoshiki asks me almost silently " you ok ?" I give a small nod .

'knock knock'

"I told you it was a bad idea to stay here so late and tell ghost stories !" Mochida yelps out .

" hey Satoshi-kun " Yoshiki calls to him , Mochida's head whipping round to look at him in the minimum candle light we have "Aren't you gonna get the door ?" I shake my head at his obviously taunting question , I look up at him , and he smirks , hugging me to his chest .

"what !?" Mochida squeaks out , surprise and confusion in his voice . he stands , stumbling to us .

"the girls are all trembling in fear ." he gestures to me , I don't think I'm shaking that badly , but ah well anything to mock Mochida , I start to shake as much as I can , what seems realistic anyway . "Doesn't it just break your heart to see them like this ?"

"so why dont YOU get the door ?!" Mochida yells , jabbing a finger at Yoshiki .

"well , it doesn't break MY heart . . . " he chuckles , arms slackening from their tight comforting hold.

and that's when I quietly slip away from him , neither boy noticing as Mochida lets out a sigh , disappointed in his friend . " . . . that's cold man ."

it hurts . ( corpse party x reader )Where stories live. Discover now