descent into insanity .

14 0 0

Pain . the first thing I could feel , was intense pain wracking through my body . I pry open my eyes , not as if it does much , there's little to no light in here . I suppose that's expected , no one was in the classroom below ours , and our class lights fell in the earthquake . I take a deep breath , trying to sit up , pain shooting through my right hand . instinctively my left hand grabs it to figure out what's wrong with it , causing me to yelp in agony as I realise my hand is shattered . not broken , shattered .

my breathing hitches in my throat as my eyes adjust to the darkness and taking a look around I am not in Kisaragi anymore . it's some sort of elementary school , the small desks made from rotted oak , the even smaller chairs mostly being dismantled or broken from age . that's all I can see from down here , I really need to stand up . Taking a deep breath , I bite my lip and push myself up with my left hand , using a small desk to help me stand . now I'm stood I can see clearer , this is definitely a elementary classroom .

"how the fuck did I get here . . . ?" I mumble , eyes darting . there's a chalkboard , with many , many horrid messages , blaming people for many things , telling people to kill themselves and much more . I quickly shake my head , looking more . there's a teachers podium in front of the chalkboard , and next to them cabinets stood , it's too dark to see what's inside however . turning to the back I see small cubbies , along side more cabinets . most importantly however , there's a boy in front of the cubbies .

a small gasp escapes my lips as I realise it's Len , and I begin to rush toward my sleeping brother , halting fast as I nearly fall down a hole in the floor . " what the hell . . . ?" I whisper , trying to keep my voice down as to not disrupt the unsettling silence that's settled over the whole place , even my breathing is slow and deliberate , and my heart pounds in my ears . I manoeuvre my way past the hole toward him , outwardly cringing at each floorboard creak . kneeling by him , I get ahold of his shoulder , gently shaking him .

"onii-chan . . . ? onii-chan . . . ?" I try quietly waking him .

a sleepy "fuck off . . ." greets my effort . charming as always , Len .

"onii-chan please . . . " my voice trembles , as I begin to feel eyes on me "I'm scared . . . "

those simple words awaken him fully , his arms latching around me protectively , pulling me into his chest . " where the hell are we imouto . . . ?" he questions me , rocking slightly.

"I don't know . . . " I mumble into his shirt , gripping it tightly .

"you stay here ok . . . ? I'll go check outside . . ." we both keep our voices quiet .

"no . . . you can't go alone onii-chan . . . "I cling tightly as he tries prying me from him .

"imouto you're hurt , look at your hand and chest . . ." upon his words I look down , seeing a bloody mess covering my top . Len takes my moment of distraction as a chance to pull me away .

"I'll be right back , I promise . . ." he kisses my head , leaving me alone in the darkness .

I begin to sob , trying to keep quiet as I hug my knees close to my chest . my sobbing hurts my chest , so I make the reasonable assumption my ribs are shattered .

one . two . three . four . five . six . seven . eight . nine . ten . eleven . twelve . thirteen . fourteen . fifteen . sixteen . seventeen . eighteen . nineteen . twenty . twenty-one . twenty-two . twenty-three . twenty-four . twenty-five . twenty-six . twenty-seven . twenty-eight . twenty-nine . thirty . thirty-one . thirty-two . thirty-three . thirty-four . thirty-five . thirty-six . thirty-seven . thirty-eight . thirty-nine . forty . forty-one . forty-two . forty-three . forty-four . forty-five . forty-six . forty-seven . forty-eight . forty-nine . fifty. fifty-one. fifty-two. fifty-three. fifty-four. fifty-five. fifty-six. fifty-seven. fifty-eight. fifty-nine .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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