Anniversaries and Understudies

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Open at the music factory. Austin follows Ally out of the storage room while Ava and Alex watch from the front.

Austin: You really don't know what's happening next week?

Ally: No? It's not either of our birthdays...

Austin: Nope.

Ally: And it's not either of the kid's birthdays.

Ava/Alex: Nuh-uh.

Ally: Then I'm stumped! But I told Trish I'd meet her for lunch, so...

She kisses Austin on the cheek.

Ally: I'll see you guys later.

Ava: Bye, Mom.

Ally: Bye!

Austin watches her as she leaves.

Alex: What's going on, Dad?

Austin: [with a sigh] It's your mom and I's wedding anniversary next week, but it doesn't seem like she even remembered.

Ava: Are you sure? Mom's not the type to forget things.

Alex: Yeah, she writes all our important dates on the whiteboard in the kitchen...

Ava: And her planner...

Alex: And the giant calendar in her office...

Austin: But that's what I mean! If she hasn't forgotten, why didn't she say anything?

Ava: Maybe she has a surprise for you that she doesn't want to tell you about yet.

Alex: I don't know, Mom's not that good at keeping secrets.

Austin: I guess I'll have to wait and see. But I want it to be really special, I have something pretty big planned.

Ava: What do you have planned?

Austin looks around conspiratorially.

Austin: If I tell you guys, you have to promise not to tell your mom.

Ava: Okay!

Alex: We promise!

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