Opening Nights and Standing Ovations

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Two days before opening night, Katy and Ava rush belatedly into the auditorium for rehearsals.

Ava: We're so sorry, Ms. Starr!

Katy: Our last class ran late.

Kira: It's okay, girls. But I'm glad that you're here now, because I have some bad news.

Katy: What happened?

Kira: Our Romeo quit, and none of our understudies know the part.

Katy: Oh no!

Ava: What're we gonna do?

Kira: That's what I'm trying to figure out. The show will go on, I promise. I just...don't know how.

The girls look dejected, until Katy's face lights up.

Katy: Wait, Ms. Starr. Do you mind if...I play the part of Romeo?

Kira: I wouldn't mind at all, but...are you sure, Katy? It's a big role to take on at such a short notice.

Katy: I'm sure. I've been helping Ava with her lines, so I've already got a good feel for the character.

Kira: Okay, I guess it's settled then! Katy, you stick with me so I can help you get ready for the dress rehearsal tomorrow. Ava, I want you to do a run through of all your scenes with the nurse, okay?

Ava: Got it!

She turns to Katy before she leaves with Ms. Starr.

Ava: I can't believe that just happened!

Katy: Hey, the show must go on, right? I guess I'll be seeing you later.

She exits with a wink, leaving Ava flustered.

Ava: I...yeah!

Alex sneaks up behind her.

Alex: A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet...

Ava pushes him jokingly.

Ava: Oh, stop it.

[Theme song interlude]

Kira: Great work today, everyone! Make sure you're ready for the dress rehearsal tomorrow!

Ava, Alex, River, and Katy all head out together.

River: Congrats on the new part, Katy! I'm sure you're gonna do great.

Katy: Thanks, River! How's all the behind the scenes stuff going?

River: Oh, it's a piece of cake! But I love it, I can't believe I didn't join theatre sooner.

Ava: What about you, Alex? How's the stage manager life treating you?

Alex: It's a lot to take in, honestly. But I'm learning a lot, and it doesn't even feel like work.

River: And I think the head stage manager is grateful to have an excuse to slack off again.

Alex: He is trusting me with a lot more stuff now...

Ava: Only because you clearly know what you're doing! I've seen how hard you're working, and I think you're doing great.

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