Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

"What do mean? I already know my past... My parents took care of me but when I was five my father died in a car accident and I was homeschooled" she said as a matter of factly.

"But was an accident or was it even a car accident maybe he was murdered"

"You're lying"

"Am I?"

Kaylee started walking faster out of the woods until she was right where she was before. She marched in the direction of her home, "it was a joke, he- whoever he was... was lying" Kaylee kept repeating it to herself over and over again, she made it home feeling conflicted. Was there actual truth to what he had said? Should she really believe him? All these questions made Kaylee feel light headed. She grabbed an apple from the refrigerator and ran upstairs to her room. She threw her bag across her room and jumped on her bed.

She then took a bite of her apple, pulled her phone out of her pocket, then quickly dialed Ciara's number. The phone rang two times before someone picked up.

"Hello?" Asked Ciara.

"Ciara? This is Kaylee"

"Kaylee! Since you called we shall start the chatting of the group!" Ciara said with much enthusiasm. "Wait one second" while Kaylee waited she could feel the intense stare of someone. But instead of worrying about it, she decided to shake it off.

"Hello?" Asked both Jade and Kyle.

"Hi Jade and other, guess who-"

"Hey who are you calling other?" Asked Kyle angrily.

"You dummy" Kaylee and Jade laughed.

"Anyway as I was saying Kaylee is on the other line just in case you guys didn't know" Ciara said as a matter of fact. "Now that we all know who we are talking to let's get down to business... I call this project B" which got laughs from everyone. "It has a nice ring to it don't you think... It could be Brooke or could be bitch you just never really know do ya" said Ciara.

"Brook is the real definition of bitch" said Jade.

"Hey guys could you keep your loud cursing down, my brother is in here" said Kyle with a little worry.

"Oh hush Kyle! Anyway so anyone here going to back out of the plan before I start" there was silence the only sound to be heard was the breathing of everyone. "Kyle? Kaylee? Jade?"

"Why does my name go first? It makes me feel like I'm the weaker one"

"You are" said Jade. "You were such a baby when it came to handling Brooke even Kaylee was stronger" Jade added.

"Why was Jade's name put last?" Kaylee asked.

"Because I'm a total badass and I would totally do anything to bring down queen B" Jade said with pride.

"Alright enough, let's get down to business" Ciara said.


"Kaylee, it's not natural to sleep so much... Get up!" Kaylee sighed and rolled out of bed. She did her daily hygiene routine and chose what to wear. She wore a plain black short sleeve shirt and dark blue jeans with black, white and blue shoes. She went downstairs and sat with her mom around the table. "I forgot to ask, how was school yesterday?" Luciana said. "It was okay...I guess you could say I made three friends and I definitely made an enemy" Kaylee replied. "Sounds like your having a teenage girl movie life" Her mother laughed.

"Mom that's not funny" Kaylee said. She finished eating breakfast with her mom they both washed their own plate and put them away. They walked to the car and went inside. The sun was shining brighter today, but still the warm weather was coming as the time grew closer to the end of August and close to September. And the ride to school Kaylee's mother tried to make conversation, "honey when are you going to start wearing a sweater or something summer breeze has come to an end soon the cold breeze will be blowing in" said her stopping at a stop light.

"The cold never bothered me anyway" Kaylee replied in a funny tone. Her mom stayed silence trying to process this information, "do you really mean that or was that a joke" her mother said with seriousness. "Well I'm not really bothered with the whole snow or freezing temperature... I guess you could say I don't really feel it" her mother had a worried expression on her face. "But really it's nothing to worry about" Kaylee added. Luciana stared off to the road, and the car ride went on in silence. The car came to an stop, "So... ah... bye and ah...see you after school " Kaylee said with nervousness, she slowly got out the car and walked off. There were a few kids hanging the around the outside restaurant smoking and a few on the stairs laughing and talking. She walked up the steps and walked inside the building.

When she walked in, a bucket of ice cold water was dunked on her. She was then pushed to the floor. She sat on the floor listening to the laughter of all the students. A hand stretched out to her, she slowly looked up to see who it was. Kaylee felt her cheeks quickly heating up making turn slightly pink. There he was mysterious boy from the cafeteria reaching his hand out towards her, she can feel the eyes of everyone on them which made her cheeks turn darker. To ease the embarrassment or nervousness she took his hand. They felt a strong pull towards each other, she felt the heat of his hand slowly melting her's. "T... Thank you" she stuttered. He smiled at her, "it was my pleasure angel", as he said that he let go of her hand and the heat that was once there was now gone. He pushed through the crowd and walked off.

Kaylee got a glare from Brooke who was now pissed. "You bitch! Do you really think he likes you.... You are just some charity case! He only does this because you're new!" Brooke screamed.

"Leave her alone Brooke no need to get jealous... Just because he chose her and not you and don't you have a boyfriend waiting for you" Ciara said beside Kaylee. Brooke was angry and her faced showed it. "I'll make your lives a living hell, I will make you freaking wish you never came to this school" Brooke spat at them.

"Can't wait" Ciara said confidently. Brooke walked off with her clique taking the crowd with her. "I wonder who's going to clean this mess up" Ciara laughed. "Right the floor well based on Brooke I think I'll be cleaning it up" Kaylee smiled. "Darling who cares about the floor, look at your hair and your clothes its drenched in water. Aren't you freezing?" Ciara said all in one breath. "And how do you expect to please mister mysterious if you look like that" Ciara said in a playful tone.

"I don't want to please him, didn't you hear Brooke... I'm just a charity case" Kaylee replied. You could feel the sadness and disappointment radiating off her. Ciara looked at her with sad eyes and sighed, "you're in for a very long day" was Ciara said.

"Get to class!" Shouted a man down the hall. Kaylee and Ciara looked to see who it was, it was Mr. Baits. "Sorry masterbate... Oops I mean Mr. Baits" Ciara dragged Kaylee away from the mess and into the bathroom. "We have to go to class Ciara" Kaylee whined. "Its a good thing I always come prepared for things like this" Ciara set her bag on the bathroom sink, she un-zipped her bag and revealed her makeup salon. "Woah! Where do you fit all your books?" Kaylee asked. "What books?" Ciara replied with a question. "You don't have any books?" Kaylee asks confused. "No, I have Kyle for that since I have ask classes with him" Ciara said while taking out her comb and brush. "Let the art show begin"

Ciara took a wet paper towel and wiped Kaylee's face free of any type of makeup. "Alright first we shall do the mascara" Ciara gently laid mascara unto Kaylee's eyelashes. She then took out red lip gloss and carefully put it upon her lips. "Ciara I still think this is all unnecessary" Ciara hovered her finger over Kaylee's lips, "sshh don't ruin this process"....

"There! Done! You'll have mysterious hottie staring"

"Why do I even bother?" Kaylee sighed. "I am going to be in so much trouble"

"Don't worry about it... Now let us go to class"

Kaylee and Ciara both went their separate ways. Ciara went to Spanish and Kaylee was walking to History. "Nooo! I totally forgot to ask where this History class located" Kaylee shouted.

"I can help you"

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