the choir room

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[ This oneshot takes place in high school, if the bench scene didn't happen. It's the beginning of basketball season, and TJ and Cyrus have been spending a lot of time together ever since the party. I got some inspiration from the show, "Diary of a Future President" which you should definitely watch on disney+, and also, from my lovely girlfriend. Mwah.)


TJ shoved his sweaty sports clothes into his gym bag, and took a big swig of water before following a few of his teammates out of the gym. He swung the bag over his shoulder, and tried as best he could to hide in the small crowd. Everyone was quiet enough that he could faintly hear the girls basketball team chattering behind the doors.

No- he was not afraid of the girls team, but he was a bit scared of one of the players. Kira.

Ever since the party, she'd been bugging TJ in the slightest but most horrifying ways. Whenever he was around, she found ways to hint at his secret, which luckily no one got- but he knew she was going to hold this over his head. He never denied having feelings for Cyrus. He never denied being gay. She could tell anyone she wanted to. Maybe she had.

His team started to split in different directions, and TJ was left alone. He was supposed to meet with Cyrus after he'd finished practice- since Cyrus had Spanish club- but right now, he couldn't get there unless he went through the hall that happened to be blocked by the girls team.

"Hey TJ," One of the players made her way in front of TJ, and looked him up and down. It took everything in him not to laugh.

"Hey. May I-?" he tightened his grip on his bag and gestured behind her. She shrugged and stepped aside, letting him pass. The last thing he wanted was to keep Cyrus waiting. He had a tendency to be late, but Cyrus was concerningly forgiving. He would have none of TJ's thorough apologies.

Before he made it around the team, Kira just had to comment. "Meeting someone, Kippen?"

A few of the girls turned.

He made no expression, "Yeah, actually."

"I figured," She shrugged and grinned her classic, fake grin.

"You're seeing someone?" another player furrowed her brows, confused.

TJ's heart stopped for a moment. "No?" he knew his tone of denial made him sound even more suspicious. "I'm just meeting with a friend. Don't make a big deal about it."

"Sorry, you know we love the drama," a blonde muttered from the water fountain.

"Right. Well, I have to go so-" He turned to leave, but Cyrus popped out of nowhere and stopped him in his tracks. He had on a new navy crew neck that TJ had never seen before, over a white collared shirt.

Cyrus teetered on his feet, with his over-packed bag weighing him down. It was obviously heavy- though he wouldn't admit it.

"Heya Teej." he grinned. "I figured your practice ran late, so I thought I'd come down," he peered over at everyone, who was awkwardly staring. "Um-"

"Yeah, sorry I was on my way up," TJ waved his hands around. "Are you ready to go?"

Cyrus nodded slightly, and TJ hurried over to him.

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