balance beam

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cyrus' point of view }

'Gracefully,' I fell off the balance beam, and heard a few of the children chuckle behind me. I looked up in embarrassment, and TJ had a concerned look plastered on his face- his mouth gaped open. I plopped on the mat in defeat.

"You alright underdog?" he asked. I could tell he was stifling a giggle.


"Are you sure?"

I laid flat on my back and closed my eyes, "No."

"Come on, let's try it again."

I shook my head lightly, and heard TJ walk across the mat. I blinked, and there he was, towering over me with a soft smile on his face. Maybe I can't do somersaults, but my heart sure can.

"One more time?"

"And embarrass myself even more? No way."

All he did was smirk and put his hand out for me to grab. I didn't understand how the balance beam was supposed to help my somersault dilemma- but hesitantly, I took his hand.

He pulled me up, and didn't let go. In effect, my face went beet red. I was afraid he had noticed, but he released my hand coolly, and grabbed both my shoulders.

My heart fluttered as he leaned over, "You've got this. All you have to do is make it to the end of the beam."

"Well duh," I furrowed my brows.

TJ laughed and shook his head, "Look, balance is hard. Take it from a guy with pretty long legs."

"Right, not so scary basketball guy has no center of gravity," I rolled my eyes slightly. TJ was an athlete, I couldn't imagine him falling off a balance beam. Especially one that is, not to mention, less than a foot off the ground.

"Just try one more time, okay? But maybe on two limbs this time. It might be easier to balance on your feet," His eyes rounded softly, and it was the encouragement I needed. With a sigh, I gave in- how could I not?

As he stepped off the mat, I tried to get back on the beam, "Why can't I just crawl? Y'know, you're closer to the ground that way."

"Just trust me, you've got this," TJ said with full confidence in his words. I hadn't a clue as to how he had so much faith in me.

"Well, that makes one of us," I retorted before focusing my attention to- not falling to my death.

I wobbled a little, losing my balance, "TJ!" I called out, flailing my arms a little.

He rushed over and gently grabbed my arm to steady me, "I've got you."

"You sure?"

"Positive. You can hold onto me if you need."

I nodded shyly, and gripped his arm. "Doesn't this defeat the purpose of me doing it on my own?"

"If you hold on that tight, yes," TJ laughed.

Embarrassed, I released my grip and continued down the beam. Before long, I made it to the end and hopped off. I had actually done it? I looked over at TJ, my face lit up. His expression wasn't very different from mine.

"You did it!" He hopped over and gave me a high-five, not breaking our eye contact. I felt a wave of embarrassment flood over me, since I had been so worried over something so easy, but the smile on TJ's face made me feel proud, "Told you you could."

A few of the kids crowded around TJ and started tugging on his shirt, asking for a turn. He grinned and crouched down, assuring them that they could all try. I giggled. I hadn't seen this side of TJ since before today, but I was enjoying it.

Discreetly, I backed away to sit on a stack of mats, while I let TJ handle the kids.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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