Chapter 3

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Authors note: Hi it has been a while. Two months to be exact, so sorry for that. But um here it is. took me a while but i'm kinda proud of it so...enjoy?

ALSO. I saw ppl added these to their libraries so um, thank you for that💖

Chapter 3

"Hi, what can I get for ya today?" I say turning away from Iris and walking towards the ordering counter.

She was sitting at the counter to my left eating the ice cream she just ordered and texting that guy from the beach. She usually gets bored when me and Hadley are working the same shift cause she doesn't have anyone to be with when she gets out of work. So she drops by and sits a counter over so we all can talk when it's dead.

Anyways, these customers were a nice older woman and her husband. They are regulars and some of the sweetest people, and always leave a nice tip too.

After getting their order Hadley and I looked over to see Iris talking with Wyatt Fox and Gilbert Lewis who must have snuck in while we were looking away. We had seen them in passing a few times in town since the beach a few weeks ago but never long enough for a real interaction.

Wow the summer is moving by that quickly I guess.

Iris is a shy soul so i'm a bit worried about what they're saying to her cause they are, to say the least, outspoken.

But, oh she's laughing that's a good sign yeah? No emotional damage being inflicted. I mean they are not genuinely mean people they are just unreserved and straight forward with sarcasm and quick-wit mixed in. So just about the opposite of Iris.

I start to follow Hadley towards them at the counter when I hear the bell of the door chime signaling someone coming in.

"Thank you very much lads for abandoning me by the car. I'm the one paying so it would be nice for you to show your appreciation by escorting me in yourselves next time." Dylan's voice is cocky and extravagant. Like he is putting on a show for us to watch.

But he doesn't see me yet, just walks straight towards Gilbert and Wyatt.

"Laurie, no need for the dramatics. I just have ice cream on the brain and my legs just brought me in here." Wyatt. The meat head of the group I guess, his brain is fueled by surfing and food. He is smart don't get me wrong, he's in the higher percentage of our class but he just comes off as the goof meathead. Well enough about him because he isn't really my problem at the moment.

My problem is Dylan. Or what did he call him? Laurie?

"Yes Laurie, get us ice cream from the pretty lady I'm famished. Preferably mint chocolate chip." Gilbert's voice gets louder as I hear footsteps walking towards me.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say. Wyatt you- hey Margret, didn't know you worked here." He said as he sauntered up to the counter.

"And I have never seen you in here before so I say we are at the same level of surprise."

"Okay so I'm going to get the princess three scoops of mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone and the child wants a small vanilla in a cup." Dylan says

Then Wyatt yells over, "Can I get that with a cone on top?"

Dylan facepalms and slides his large hands down his face then says, "yeah and with a cone on top. God he really can be a child."

"Well I think he's funny, but really? Vanilla, that is kind of unoriginal for someone so..." I say gesturing over to Wyatt just in time to see him fall forward off the stool he's sitting on while leaning towards Iris. Dylan and I look back at each other and wince then let out a light chuckle. "You know what, that does kind of make sense." I correct myself.

Seeing Margo JaneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant