Oikawa「the true artist」Fluff !

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Y/N Pov

I'm usually one with the shadows of our school, Aoba Johsai. But ever since one of dear Oikawa's fangirls saw one of my drawings, they came like wolves who haven't eaten for days. Now don't get me wrong, I like Oikawa. My friends Hanamaki and Matsukawa would say I have a crush on him, but it's nothing like that... right?
"Hey, Y/n! Do you have another drawing of Oikawa ready? I wanna put it on my wall dedicated to him, my precious king", one of the regulars of mine I guess you could say spoke up once they entered the class and spotted me. I sighed and opened my folder of the already prepared drawings of Oikawa and grabbed a random, handing it to her, "Here you go, and remember the pay." She rolled her eyes but gave me 2,090¥ nonetheless, "Keep the change, daddy is sure to give me more than that when I get home today", she said before running off to her desk.
Matsukawa watched as the scene finished before him, looking over at me once she had left, "Look I know you enjoy the payment, but do you really want them walking all over you like that," he questioned with concern laced in his voice. I shrugged, "Eh, I mean, I know they give him the drawings so it's like, I get paid for making gifts for him, but in the process not getting credit. Only one downfall so I dont see the problem," I smiled at him and turned back to the front since Karuhina sensei came in.

Time skip to lunch (brought to you by Aura being hungry)

I typically didn't eat lunch, it was one of the main things Oikawa nagged me for, but it looks like he's not with Iwaizumi at the gate of the school. "Hey, Y/n, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, do you know where Oikawa is," Iwaizumi asked. The other two shrugged, "He might be with one of his fans, probably giving him another drawing," I said with a small sarcastic laugh. Iwaizumi stared at me for a minute before speaking up, "Alright, I'll go look for him, you guys go ahead." Then he ran off to find Oikawa while we went to the usual restaurant we go to for lunch.
When we all sat down, Hanamaki started to speak, "Y/n, you know you should probably just admit your feelings for Oikawa before someone manages to steal him from you and break his heart similar to his recent ex." The mention of his old girlfriend pissed me off, but they don't need to know that. I rolled my eyes, "Say I did like him, he wouldn't feel the same."

Oikawa's Pov

"Oikawa! I got another drawing for you! I spent hours on it to make it perfect," one of my fangirls said as more came around. "Oh really? How thoughtful, thank you. I'll treasure it," I said with a smile while taking the drawing. The very faint signature is the same, so its them again. I want to know if it is Y/n, but I don't know how to ask her... maybe I should ask Iwa for advice? No.. I want to do it by myself without help, but like... ughh she's so difficult...... or am I the difficult one? Maybe I should just tell her my feelings and then ask her? No no no! I don't know.. I'm such an idiot.. I'll just ask Iwa for advice then. "Oikawa can I talk to you in private," the one who gave me the drawing asked. "Uhm.. sure," I said still with a smile. The other girls sounded disappointed but went off doing their own things, leaving me and this one alone. "What did you want to talk about," I asked as she fiddled with her fingers trying to act cute. "I like you a lot so uhm... I was wondering... if you want to go out with me," she asked, now looking up at me. Figured as much, this is usually how it goes. I chuckled nervously, "Sorry, but I can't accept the offer, thank you though for telling me about your feelings, I just don't feel that way towards you." Her eyes started to water and she ran off crying. I sighed and turned to see Iwa standing right there, "Oh Iwa! When did you get here?" Iwa turned, waiting for me, "I've been here since she asked you out. You really need to hurry up and ask Y/n out or something before she gets taken by someone else and so that your so called fans can quit it." I sighed knowing he was right, following beside him, "I know, I know, but how am I supposed to do it? And what if she doesn't feel the same? AND what if she does and we got together, the fans might do something to her, we both know what they're capable of." Iwa shook his head, "If they truly are a fan of you, they'd respect your space, privacy, and wishes. As for Y/n liking you, you never know until you speak up." He's right.. but how am I supposed to bring up that type of topic? What if she thinks I'm weird? WHAT IF SHE DOESNT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME ANYMORE AFTERWARDS?! Calm down Tooru, everything's fine you're you, you're amazing! That's a lie... no no I'm cool, I got this! No you don't... OH WOULD YOU SHUT UP ME!
We entered the restaurant and spotted the table the others were at, going there and then sitting down. "Took you guys long enough", Matsukawa said in a teasing tone. "Blame Oikawa, he doesn't know when to say he has to go to his fans", Iwa said and sipped on his drink. "Oh yeah by the way guys, we just got the usual for everyone so that when you guys got here itd be here but seems like it's being held up a bit," Hanamaki said then sipping on his drink too. Iwa nodded and started a conversation with those two while I now just sat, staring at Y/n.
She's so pretty, I don't think I'd be able to talk to her about my feelings without being stuck in her beauty. Speaking of which though, I need to figure out a plan. How am I supposed to ask her out or something.... I don't know if she would like something fancy or not... maybe I should just ask her to go somewhere with me, just us, and hope she doesn't ask about it being a date, if she does just uh... say... if you want it to be? Maybe? Well no cause what if she thinks I don't like.... this is so hard!!! Why is this so hard?
"Oikawa? Is something wrong? You've been staring at me for like three minutes now," Y/n spoke up, taking me out of my thoughts. WAIT SHE NOTICED OH NO! "Oh heh.. sorry Y/n, I was just stuck in my thought, volleyball and all, you know," I chuckled nervously and looked over towards the wall.

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