Book 1: Air - Chapter 1

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Since arriving at Republic City, Tenzin has been up my butt about something. "Korra you're not relaxed", "Korra you aren't breathing properly", "Korra you're too hot-headed". Can he give me a break already?! I've spent hours trying to run through the stupid spinning wall things with Meelo and Ikki, but I still can't make it through.

While laying in my bed, I overheard a radio playing from outside. I crawled out of my window and up the roof to where the sound was coming from. The White Lotus guards were gathered around the radio listening to a pro-bending match. "Mako makes a blow to the left. The water bender stumbles and falls into the water!" "Woohoo!" the guards cheered. I sat right above them to get a sense of what was going on.

"Now it's firebender and earthbender vs. firebender and earthbender, who will win? Bolin shoots rapid-fire rocks at the other side, they both stumble as Mako jumps in and gives the final blow, launching them into the water. The fire ferrets win the match!" "Woooooooo!" I screamed.

Then I heard a familiar voice. "Korra come down." I hopped down from the roof and landed in front of the guards, scaring them a little bit. "Korra go to bed right now," Tenzin said calmly, which kind of surprised me. As I walked off, he continued to yell at the guards while I imagined the screaming crowds of a pro-bending match while heading off to bed and finally falling asleep.


I got out of bed early this morning because Dad mentioned that a special guest was arriving today. I took a quick shower and put on some light makeup, then I headed downstairs into the kitchen. The cooks were all busy preparing what looked to be a three course meal, but for breakfast? How important is this guy?

"Asami! Good morning my beautiful daughter." My dad embraced me tightly and kissed the top of my head as I pushed him away in embarrassment since all of the cooks were right there.
"Why are the cooks making so much food for breakfast?"
"Let's just say that this guest is very important for our future," he said ominously.
I just went ahead with it, so I helped out the cooks by setting up the table. Soon enough, there was a knock at the door and Dad scuttled to open the door.
In came a tall man wearing a mask and another man who wore green goggles and had a mustache. Amon.
"Thank you for welcoming me to your home, Hiroshi, but I won't be eating today."
"But sir, my cooks have made so much food for your arrival, please eat for the sake of their hard work at least."
"I'm sorry, I already ate before I came. Lieutenant, go bring Ren and Yu from the satomobile to eat so all of this food doesn't go to waste."
The guy in the green goggles went out the door and came in with two more guys who wore these outfits that completely covered their bodies. We all sat around the dining table, I sat next to Dad's right of the end of the table while Amon sat at the other end. Amon didn't eat, but the Lieutenant and the two other guys took off the stuff on their faces to eat, revealing their identities.
"The Avatar is in Republic City, Hiroshi. Our plans have now become so much more feasible. Do you think Asami is ready now?"
"Me? Ready for what?"
"But sir, she's just a teenager, it's too dangerous for her."
"That's exactly why we need her, Hiroshi. One of my agents told me that Korra was seen at the pro-bending arena last night chatting with the earthbender from the Fire Ferrets. Sounds like she's going to replace their waterbender."
"Is the Avatar even allowed to be a pro-bender?" I asked.
"Yeah that does seem kind of conflicting," the Lieutenant conjectured.
"That's not the point, we need to eliminate the Avatar so that we can finally go ahead with our world order," Amon contested.
"Eliminate?" I began to choke on my omelet, so I drank some water. I gave a look to Dad as he was smiling like a happy child listening to what Amon was saying.
"What do you mean by eliminate?"
"I would take away her bending, just like I plan on doing to everyone in the entire world."
"Why would you do that? Bending is an art, a culture, and for protection" I proclaimed.
"The Fire Nation wiped out the Air Nomads with their ruthless firebending and almost burned the entire world down. Bending is dangerous for mankind, especially for us nonbenders."
"But how would you even take away people's bending, I thought only the Avatar had the ability?"
"I was chosen by the spirits to carry out the task of getting rid of all bending and was given the power to take away people's bending."
I could see my dad getting nervous as I was interrogating Amon.
"What makes you think I would want to help you?"
"Asami, wasn't your mother killed by benders?"
end of chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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