Like a hairless cat

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In the distance I hear a lot of cracks

Quickly I turn into a hairless cat and hide in a broom closet with a hole big enough for me to see the aurors

"MERLINS BEARD" said who I assume was arther Weasley


"NO!" Yelled Lucius malfoy



Someone stood in front of my door, I accidentally meowed

Crap! I thought as who I assume was the minister opened the door

I began to act as if I was terrified and began to clutch to the minister

"Poor, poor little kitten" he said as he began to set me down

I hear a voice yelling down the hall

"MINISTER! MINISTER! I caught them!"

Oh it was that student I put a curse on to take the blame for me

"Was it you boy!??"

"Did you do this!?!?"

"Yes" said the boy


The aurors began to crack out of hogwarts

"Well kitty I guess you better come with me then!"

He grabbed me and apperated to the ministry

I sat in my new bed; still as a cat at the ministry

When it was the ministers lunch break I decided to go explore

First putting poison and crack in his left over tea bags

I decided to go to the floor number 3 I walked down to a door that said "Dolores Umbridge" I quickly changed the name to

"Here lies Ms.Umbitch" perfect

I walked in the office and was greeted by a grunt

"EW GET OUT AT ONCE" she yelled

I choochifeid her and the entire rest of the floor

Then the next
Then the next
Then the next...

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