Chapter III

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Shuichi's POV:

"My name is Kyoko Naegi, however I'm commonly known as Kyoko Kirigiri, also known as the Super Highschool Level/Ultimate Detective, it's a pleasure to meet you mister Shuichi Saihara," Kyoko says, giving him a polite bow.

Shuichi stood there, frozen in shock. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing at this very moment. Standing right in front of him was THE KYOKO KIRIGIRI who was not only an ultimate who shared the same title as him but ALSO a former ultimate who participated in the Danganronpa games, but not just any Danganronpa game, THE FIRST DANGANRONPA GAME.

The first Danganronpa game aired around a decade ago, maybe longer, it didn't matter, but the Danganronpa series that aired that time was inspired after a true event. The infamous Hope versus Despair war that occured a century ago. The Team Danganronpa was formed and created Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, it stayed relatively faithful to the original story, but they put a modern twist to it. Not to mention new and original characters, one of them being none other than the famous Kyoko Kirigiri (now known as Kyoko Naegi), the first ever Super Highschool Level/Ultimate Detective to ever appear on Danganronpa. Shuichi never thought he'd ever be in the presence of someone so highly important, well, in the world of Danganronpa and Crime solving, anyways.

"K-Kyoko K-K-Kirigiri!?" I stuttered in shock.

"The one and only," she says with a smile.

I wanted to faint right then and there, my poor heart can't take all of this shock. It's only a matter of time before I die from this.

"Anyways, while I'd love to have a nice conversation with a fellow super highschool level detective like me, I'm afraid I'm not here for tea. I'm here on a business matter, so, if you don't mind..."

She glances over to my mother who was standing by the doorway. My mother nods her head,

"Be polite Shuichi," she says before walking to the garden.

"Now, let's have a seat, shall we?"

"U-Uh, yeah..." I murmur as I sit down on the couch.

There was a moment of silence, it felt so awkward. Sure, it was a dream come true for me, to be in the presence of THE Kyoko Kirigiri, the first ever super highschool detective in Danganronpa history, but her strong presence made me scared, not only that but she said she was here on business matters. Could this... could this have something to do with me shutting down the whole Danganronpa business... !? WAIT WAS SHE MAD AT ME!? I stared at her in panic. She must've noticed my panicked expression but didn't bat an eye and continued to sip her chamomile tea that my mother made in advance. She was so calm, she didn't show any sign of worry or any indication of anger or other emotions. It was so...


She then put down her tea cup and looked up at me with a perfect poker face. I gulped,

'Here it comes...'

"Shuichi Saihara, participant of the fifty third and final Danganronpa game," she says.

"Y-Yes ma'am!" I stuttered.

"I congratulate you on your victory, however..." she says as her voice trails off. "You do realize the consequences of your actions... correct?"

"Y-Yes ma'am-,"

"Kyoko," she interrupts.

I look at her confused.

"Call me Kyoko," she says.

"B-But the f-f-formalities-."

"Formalities, formalities, yeah I've heard it all before, but I'm telling you it's fine to call me by my first name. Besides, in the world of Danganronpa formalities practically don't exist. I mean your group seemed fine calling each other by your first names," Kirigiri-, I mean Kyoko says.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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