Chapter II

175 10 12

Word Count - 800

Shuichi's Pov:

"We're home," my father says.

I glanced at my home. It was a pretty nice house, It wouldn't be my dream home, but it was better than nothing. Plus, it looked clean.

"Come on Shuichi, don't just gawk at our house like an idiot," my mother says as she opens the door.

"S-Sorry," I mutter.

My mother looks at me, wide-eyed. I stare at her in confusion.

"Uh... is there something on my face..?" I asked,

"Hm? Oh! It's nothing dear," my mother replies with an awkward chuckle.

"Okay then..."

I walked into the house. It was as clean as the outside, well, there were a few ramen pots left on the table, but that's pretty much it. It was also pretty warm in here, it felt nice coming into a warm environment, it was a bit chilly outside. I took off my shoes and sat on a chair, god I felt so tired. I laid my head in my arms and closed my eyes. It didn't feel so comfortable but it did help me relax a bit.

"Shuichi don't sleep on the table," my father mutters,

I feel a light 'tap'... well, more like a slap, on the back of my head.

"Shuichi! If you want to sleep then go to your room!" my mother yells while holding a rolled up newspaper.

"Now shoo! I've got to clean up this mess of a table!"

I lazily pick myself off the ground while trying to avoid my mother's swats. I then head off in the direction of my room, well, my memory is still a little hazy. Just when I felt like I was going to collapse from exhaustion, I finally arrived at my bedroom, the right room. I grabbed the door handle and slowly opened the door.

Creek . . .

I froze at the sight in front of me. I felt a shiver go up my spine, and a strange sense of unwanted nostalgia run through my mind.

Laying right in front of me, was a huge stash of Danganronpa merch. The room was so dark and dirty that it took me awhile to actually realise that this IS my room and that this IS what it naturally looked like. It was a mess, a huge mess, and I knew it. It may have been a mess I used to be proud of but now I can't help but not shake away the feeling of disgust I felt when I looked at all my stuffed Monokub plushies. I picked up my Monokid plushie and threw it across the room out of rage, it felt good, throwing one of the stuffed mascots across the room, the sadistic little pricks. I felt scared, though I couldn't tell whether it was because of the state of my room or because of the memories it brought back. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

Everything felt so... off.

It just didn't feel natural. I guess the simulation is still in my system. But everything didn't feel right. I groaned. Everything felt so weird, so... unnatural. Yet this was reality, and not the faux world Team Danganronpa created, so why did I feel this way? That, I did not understand. I just hoped that this sick feeling would pass soon, and fast.

"Shuichi..." a voice calls out.

I glanced over at my right. My eyes widen,

Standing there wearing a pale pink jumper, a white shirt, an orange tie, a purple and black skirt with music notes imprinted onto them vaguely resembling a plaid skirt, stood beside my bed looking down at me. She had beautiful golden hair and soft pastel pink eyes. She gave me a kind and warm smile, one that made my heart melt.

"Shuichi..." she says softly.

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt heat rush up to my face.




-My heart went, as I stared at the golden haired beauty. She looked so beautiful, yet so oddly familiar. She continued to stare at me with a kind smile.

"Shuichi..." she says as she kneels down beside my bed.

I tried to reply back to her, but I couldn't, for some odd reason. She drew herself closer to me. My face reddened every second and my heartbeat grew louder and louder. She raised her hand...







"W-WHA!?" I yell as I tumbles out of my bed in shock.

My head was spinning, I felt dizzy.

Just now...

..Was I dreaming?

"Shuichi Saihara!" my mother snaps.

I glance over my shoulder to see my mother standing at the doorway with her arms crossed.

"What..?" I ask sleepily.

"We have a guest."

To Be Continued . . .

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