She's Thunderstorms

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Rainy Day with SIAS boy.


Shivers shook your body as you stepped out of the shower, wrapping up in your towel. Even though you'd left the door ajar, the glass of the shower had steamed up, yet you were still chilly, passing and turning up the radiator on your way to the bedroom. While shampooing your hair, you'd heard soft notes from Alex's acoustic guitar, but now all that was audible was the wind whistling outside, as well as soft drizzles of rain on the roof.

Stepping into the living room, you saw him sat on the windowsill, his head leaning against the glass, so immersed in the raindrops descending down on the other side, painting the outside world dark and shimmery. He was wearing a longsleeve shirt, dark blue and comfortable, yet tight enough to outline his arms. His legs were stretched out on the windowsill, covered by a loose cotton pair of tracksuit bottoms, matching the shirt in colour.

When you approached, wrapped up in a comfortable tracksuit yourself and grabbing a blanket from the sofa, you caught his attention from the corner of his eye and he turned his head, a soft smile spreading across his lips and you reached out when you stood close enough, brushing his long hair of out of his eyes, your heart aching with nothing but love for him as he leaned into your touch.

"You okay, handsome?"

Alex hummed, licking his lips. "Mmm..." he mumbled. "Were playin' but then got distracted by the rain. 's gonna beh realleh stormeh."

You smiled as his eyes grew wider and he shifted to pull his legs up to his chest to make room for you, nodding faintly for you to climb up beside him. "We're staying inside anyway, aren't we, love?"

He nodded slowly, then his eyes snapped open and he sat up straight. "Oh, I were makin' 'ot cocoa!" He called, suddenly remembering and hopping off the windowsill. "I'll beh reyht back, babeh, yeh stay 'ere."

Smiling to yourself, you watched him hurry to the kitchen, not quite following his instruction but instead wrapping your blanket around your shoulders and going to move his guitar from the sofa to sit there, leaning back and huddled up in the comfort of the fluffy material, your eyes wide when he returned with a tray that carried two steaming cups, a can of cream and a full bag of pink and blue marshmallows, as well as a selection box of biscuits of which he'd messily ripped open the plastic to get access to the sweet treats.

"Were you playing something new?" You inquired, looking up at him curiously as he sat down and brushed his hair from his face again that had fallen into his eyes.

"Joost tryin' out sum fings I've 'ad in me 'ead..." he said, soft-spoken and barely audible as he placed down the tray and sat down next to you, instantly cuddling close to your side and pouting until you offered him part of the blanket. Then he shuffled even closer.

"It sounded nice" you told him, licking your lips, then gratefully receiving your cup of cocoa. "Thank you."

"And 'ow maneh marshmallows?" He asked, attempting to draw your attention to the sweetness in the plastic bag and away from the gentle flush in his cheeks while dumping marshmallow after marshmallow into his own mug, watched it disappearing beneath the surface of the dark brown swirls momentarily before coming up, slightly darkened, yet looking even more delicious.

"U-Um ... as many as you can fit in your mug, I'll have as well" you teased, giggling when he popped one into his mouth before continuing to fill the empty spaces. "But leave enough room for the cream, handsome."

"Reyht..." he mumbled, moving the bag to the side before shaking the can of cream, popping off the lid, then doing a swirl of cream on top of both marshmallow stacks, tilting his head as he watched his own creation. "Tha' were the wrong order, weren't it?" He mumbled absently, then directing his gaze upwards at you, looking at you through his long eyelashes.

You pressed your lips together to suppress your laughter, nodding gently. "It's okay though" you said, carefully moving your mug to meet his with a quiet sound, then licking some of the cream from the top and slurping a marshmallow into your mouth, humming at the pleasant chocolate flavour before taking a sip.

Alex smiled, then went to do the same, taking a hungry sip from the sweet liquid, one hand now hidden underneath the blanket, too comfortable to do something about the cream that stuck to his top lip, but rolling his eyes at himself. "Fookin'ell..."

You smiled, placing your own mug on the side and leaning in to kiss him, your tongue darting out to lick off the cream, his kiss tasting sweet, the chocolate drowning out the hint of smoke still lingering from his last cigarette, there was mint, you could tell he'd already had the biscuit with the cherry filling, smiling against his lips.

His features were peaceful when he drew back, his eyes closed for a moment before he opened them slowly to look back at you, then suddenly snapping them open and he jumped, cursing under his breath at the light flashing through the room, the lightning invading his soft space. "Oh, fook..." he mumbled, breathing in shakily. "Well, tha's 'ow much kissin' yeh overwhelms meh..." He ran his fingers through his hair, placing down his mug after another long sip, taking another deep breath. "Let's pretend yeh didn't see tha'..."

You smiled back at him softly, rolling your eyes playfully. "You've been snacking" you teased to distract him, draw him from the slight embarrassment you could tell he'd overthink himself into now otherwise.

He pouted. "Couldn't resist" he mumbled, reaching for another biscuit, then breaking it in half and holding one piece up to your lips before popping the other into his mouth, his eyes closing once again. "Mmmm."

His enthusiasm, his sweet tooth were forever endearing to you and you shook your head with a smile, leaning back slightly when you saw him shift and lean towards you and you guided his head into your lap, running your fingers gently through his hair to uncover his eyes, the soft chocolate brown staring up at you and making you feel warmer than the liquid chocolate in the steaming mug ever could have. "Are you comfy?"

He nodded, licking his lips, a soft hum of contentment following as he shuffled to snuggle closer to you, his eyes once again closing when your fingers' movements through his hair didn't cease, twirling, smoothing out the long strands, messy and untamed, even though he'd already given the mane a signifcant trim recently. "I 'ope weh can still see the stars tonight."

You smiled at the gentle crease of his cheeks when he spoke, adored the way his nose crinkled slightly, his skin smooth and shiny. "I hope so too" you said. "Full moon too, right?"

"Mmm, full moon" he confirmed. "All the werewolves comin' out..."

"Oh, that'd be something for you, wouldn't it?" You grinned. "Running through the woods, admiring the moon..."

"Mmm, nahh" Alex drawled, shaking his head slightly. "Fink I'm too lazeh..."

You laughed. "And where would you get your biscuits and pastries?"

He giggled, his nose scrunching up slightly. "Mmmm, exactleh." He licked his lips. "I were tryin' teh take a photo of the citeh earlier..." he said. "But then it were too raineh and the glass were in the way ... "

You nodded understandingly, surprised when he slowly pushed himself up and you smoothed his hair back out of his eyes, curious when he leaned back slightly and grabbed another biscuit to munch on, then chewing and reaching back to pick up his guitar, situation it in his legs that were now crossed up on the sofa while he sat tuning the individual strings, once again jumping and breathing shakily at a sudden rumble of thunder, sighing.

"Fook..." he muttered. "This song's vereh fittin' actualleh..."

"Are you going to play me something new?" You asked excitedly, your eyes wide as you watched him closely, grabbing your mug to take a sip of cocoa again.

Alex nodded, stretching his top lip slightly. "Fink I wanna put this first on the record..." His fingers were dancing across the strings and he started playing, focused for a moment on the way he worked the instrument, then he looked up at you with a smile, you could tell he was nervous, but he also wouldn't have shown you even a draft if he wasn't absolutely sure and proud of what he'd created, your heart beating faster with anticipation as his lips parted and his angelic voice made your skin tingle as he looked right back into your eyes.

"She's thunderstorms
Lying on her front
Up against the wall
She's thunderstorms..."

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