Chapter 3

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As the bitter cold nights faded yet another year came to an end, yet another year of the two kids spent on the bitter streets. Huddling for earth scrounging for scrapes, the bones poking out of the rips in their cloths. Shirts in taters, hair muddy brown from the filth, these kids didn't live a life which you'd see in a fairy tale. No prince was coming to save them, they were their own night in shining armour, their own dragon, their own prince. Hands latched together skipping through the dark and gloomy streets, smiles plastered on their faces.

They ran through the streets laughing as if they hadn't a care in the world, a random bag carrying their comfort books. These kids had so little but they were so happy, making it past all those monsters who would have ripped them to shreds if they would have been alone. As they skipped through the streets, they reached a park. The now 7 year old boy dragged the girl towards the swings a smile stretching across his face in excitement. The girl laughed getting dragged by the jumpy kid.

They sat on the swings, laughing and swinging hard. Ignoring the weird stares they got they ignored the world. Suddenly Arnold jerked forward, falling off the swing. He landed on his knees, feeling the skin get rubbed off, he winced looking behind the swing. There, laughing loudly stood two boys. Arnold looked like a puppy in front of them. Tall as a mountain, wearing fancy shirts, huge grins spread across their huge faces. Eliza ran to the boy helping him up onto his feet and dusting his cloths off, a glare plastered on her face. "Why did you do that?" If he was watching the situation from the outside, Arnold was sure he would laughed.

Two rag-tag 4'7 kids who hadn't eaten in days against kids at least double their size. Eliza, hair matted with dust and sweat, muck and filth caking her face and Arnold, scarped and bruised, ribs poking through his shirt as his popping cheekbones gave him a ghostly look, against two teenage, well fed, clean boys. They had no chance, they would get hurt if a fight broke out, they were in no shape to even run. Arnold pulled on Eliza's shoulder, asking her to back down, but she didn't listen, her glare set onto her face. "Because this park isn't for some rats, go run along back to the hole you live in, let the big Kids play." They laughed again as if they made some hilarious joke.

"Thanks but no thanks, it's a public park and we live in this godforsaken country so we have every right to use this park. Now if you would excuse me, we are going back to playing after you apologise to my friend." She sized up the kids, looking dead serious. "Apo-apologise? Oh my god, David did you hear what the little girl said? Apologise!! Why should we apologise, we are just getting rid of pests from the park." He was laughing throughout the sentence, his pale blue eyes filled with malicious laughter. The other blonde boy's laughter echo'd through the park as Eliza kept glaring at them. "Yes I said apologise. You pushed him of the swings and now he's hurt, apologise and leave us along." she said deathly calm. "Eli lets just go, I'm fine." He whispered not wanting his one friend to get hurt because of him.

"Awwww did we hurt the little boy? I so sowwy, go along run to your mommy, she'll fix you right up. Oh wait, she left you on the streets, even she didn't want you." the blue eyed boy mocked, pushing Arnold hard so he fell onto the ground with a loud thump. He winced as more scratches were added to his seemingly never ending collection of cuts. He got back up, dusting his hands of and pulling on Eliza's shirt. "Lets go Eli, I'll be okay." She turned towards him and glared at him, her eyes saying 'shut up, does it look like I car.' before turning back to the Boys and taping her foot impatiently. "Apologise right now."

They rolled their eyes, pushing both of them to the ground and snarling. "We haven't done anything, we gave you one warning to leave but now you'll pay." His nostrils flared up like a bull ready to attack as he started kicking and punching the feeble bodies of the two. Their starved, exhausted bodies shook against the blows, curling into themselves to reduce the impact. After a while the boys left, bored looks on their faces. The duo coughed up blood slowly dragging themselves up, supporting each other. Blood trailed out of their mouths as they coughed, limping towards an ally in search of safety. The world was spinning as they stumbled through the lanes.

Walking into a small, spider web covered ally, narrowly avoiding a drunk man, they curled up to each other in search of warmth and comfort. Pulling out a small cloth from his bag, the boy softly wiped off the blood and tears from Eliza's face, gently dabbing the cuts. He pulled out the blanket, covering her broken body with it, he pulled himself up against the wall taking first watch. Staring at the stumbling, giggling messes of drunk people as they threw their money away on selfish pleasures such as drinking, he gagged puking up a bit of blood. Wiping his mouth against his sleeve he thought better than to tell Eliza about that.

He stared at the opening of the alleyway, contemplating how 4 years had gone by since he had been left alone, a vulnerable, small child of 3, alone on the sidewalk with a bleeding back. All he knew was his name, the little voice in his head and that his parents hadn't wanted him. After a while, all his struggles ended in vain as his body relaxed and his eyes closing against his will. He crumpled onto the cemented ground behind the small restaurant, darkness swimming around the edge of his vision. the world went pitch black as he was transported into another restless sleep.

Word count: 1030

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