Homework help

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Hi. In this story, Kirari has to do schoolwork and go to classes and stuff yea yea.

Sayaka POV
It was the weekend, which meant no more homework, since I was responsible enough to get it done during the week. Now I suppose I have time to do whatever. Maybe I'll take a nap.

As I laid down to sleep, I heard my phone buzz. It was a text.

President💙: Hey are you up? I know it's early but I need your help.
I smile. What could she possibly need from me at 6 am? I type out a response.
"Yes I'm up. What do you need, president?"
President💙: I need help getting my math homework done. And since your so smart I thought I could ask you.
"Why didn't you get it done earlier, president?"
President💙: I was busy
Of course she was.. I guess I can help.
"Alright I can help. Do you want me to come over there or..?" God that sounds so awkward.
President💙: I can come over to your place.
"Okay... my address is (insert address here haha)
President💙: Okay~ See you soon💜

Why'd she add a heart to the end of that..?

I sighed. I should probably get dressed. Knowing the president she'll be here in record time. I get up and throw on a hoodie and sweatpants. I brush my messy hair and put it up in a side ponytail. I'm not too worried on trying to look good, it's a Saturday morning and I'm still tired. I then hear a knock on my door.

I go to open it, and there was the president standing there. She had her hair up in two messy buns and a purple hoodie. I blush from how cute she looks.

"Good morning Sayaka~ Did you sleep well?" She walked into my house. "I- uh, yes I did, president." That was a lie. I can barely sleep most nights. "Good, good. Also since we're not at school," She looked me right in the eyes "please, just call me Kirari." I- really? "Uh- yeah okay, presi- K-Kirari." It felt so weird saying her name but.. I kinda liked it. "Okay!" She yawned and took out her math notebook. It was light blue and cutely decorated with playing card stickers.

She flipped to a page of a bunch of unfinished math problems, ones I've already completed. "Okay, let's get this started. What's -7 multipled by the absolute value of -5?" Kirari stared at me and blinked. "No idea." I sighed. "This is seventh grade math, Kirari. How do you not know?" She looked at her feet. "Cause I don't really understand. It's confusing." Huh. "Okay well the absolute value of -5 is basically 5 so that makes the equation -7 x 5. Since the negative number is- a-are you paying attention?" She clearly was not. Kirari was staring into my eyes, which made me blush. "Sorry, your just so pretty."

"I- can we p-please focus? You asked for help on this, did you not?"

"Yeah, but I also kinda wanted to just see you too. Can we finish it later and hang out for a bit?" Did she ask to come over just to see me? Was homework just an excuse?

"I-uh, o-okay then, I suppose.." She smiled and looked at me. Her vibrant blue eyes stared fondly into my dull ones. They didn't seem cold like they usually did but.. sorta warm and welcoming. She had the beautiful eyes of a warm clear sky.

I could feel my cheeks redden a little. I dozed off a bit. Daydreaming about the girl in front of me. She too seemed a little unfocused.

Suddenly I was brought back to reality when she spoke, "I have a strange liking for you. But 'like' isn't enough to describe it... You see, Sayaka," She then leaned in so that our faced were about 3 inches apart, making me blush like mad.

"I've thought a lot about it. I am so hopelessly in love with you it's sad."

"I-I-I- hu-huh?"

I couldn't really think. Did she really just... confess to me? Surely this was a dream, perhaps I had succeeded in taking that nap I was planning on earlier. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Ouch. Nope, this was definitely real.

I couldn't help but smile. I hugged Kirari. She was smiling too. Not her usual poker face smile but a goofy grin. She looked like a happy kid. She warms my heart so much...

"I love you too, Kirari." She planted a gentle kiss on my lips. I smiled and kissed back. She intertwined her fingers with mine. We held hands and gazed at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

I finally spoke up. "So, do you maybe wanna stay the night here? I-if your not busy of course!" She nodded. "Of course, I would love to. I technically am busy, but I have my dear sister to be in my place for that." She smiled.

"O-okay, cool!" Y-you maybe wanna just talk or something?" She stood up and yawned. "I've been up for hours today, do you mind if I take a nap?" Awww. "Of course I don't mind. You can sleep in my bed." I lead her over to my room. She sat down on my bed. "And can we maybe.." She looked down and mumbled something. "What was that?"

"Can we cuddle?" I blushed. "O-oh! Of course, if you would like too!" She let her hair down, it was messy. How cute. I got into bed with her and pulled a blanket over us. She wrapped her arms around me and rested her head in the crook of my neck. "Good night Sayaka, I love you." I closed my heavy eyelids. "Night. I love you too." She fell asleep quickly. I can hear her soft breathing. I looked at her. She was peaceful and cute. I would stay up all night to just watch her.

Her grip suddenly tightened around me. She looked quite worried. Was it a nightmare? I turned to face her and hugged her tightly. "Shhh, it's okay." I stroked her soft silvery hair. She calmed a bit. "I love you so much, Kirari." I whispered softly. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.


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