
143 3 6

TW // mentions of suicide, r*pe, ed, self harm 


 admins definitely shouldn't rp triggering content like suicide, r*pe, ed and self harm, or make their characters have pasts related to what was mentioned. i have seen way too many accounts do this, which is truly disgusting. i get that it might be their way to handle with irl problems or to simply get attention (which is the case most of the time), but they are forgetting that a lot of us rp because it is our way of coping. wp and/or discord have become the safe space for the majority, an escape of what's happening behind the screen. by rping such things, it can trigger and harm the admins who are actually dealing and struggling with them. in short, it's really fucking insensitive to rp stuff like that. don't bring those sensitive topics to rp. it does not make you look edgy, it makes you look like an asshole instead. ❤️

once again, did they lie? it's absolutely pathetic to see this kind of interactions within this community. admins that haven't witnessed how horrible this is on the real life term have no right to be role playing such activity.

for those suffering or have suffered from these. you are so strong. and i'm so proud of you.

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