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when you are friends with someone Or a group of friends and then you say something that might get taken the wrong way,and so they Get so toxic and drop you like that. was it worth the friendship?


personally, i've had experiences where what i've said something that ruined a friendship. i see where you could be in the wrong, it's okay to drop someone merely by a mistake you've made, but if they talk shit about you, or use you as a way to find things funny, or if they get to the point where they constantly talk about you in a negative way, that's when they are in the wrong. dropping someone is completely okay. but it's how you drop them and how you use their name after. i've seen people talk so much shit about someone for a mistake big or small, and it's not okay. don't let that mistake be who they are to you. 

and if they dropped you that fast, they most likely never wanted to be your friend in the first place.

confession book!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora