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My world was spinning. It was as if the walls came crashing down, my heart leaping through my body and beginning to run away. Harry awaited patiently as I began to process what he had just spoken to me. Out loud. I felt my nerves bunching up, my blood coursing quickly through my veins. If someone placed two fingers on my pulse, any doctor would probably conclude that I was going into cardiac arrest.

I felt my eyes widen, bulging as if they were practically about to fall out of my head. My hands that were once tracing small circles on his tattooed skin were now frozen, shaking slightly. I felt every butterfly in the universe release within me, causing a very uncomfortable feeling.

I examined Harry's face, his light eyes reflecting the sunlight from the window beside us.

My lips parted as I looked at Harry with solemn eyes. I stumbled for words, "What did you just say?" I asked, sounding out of breath.

"That I think someone is calling you. What did you think I said? " he repeated. I felt myself go into paralytic shock. I was going crazy. I looked to the nightstand beside me, where Niall's call was blaring once again.

"Hello?" I answered, standing up and walking away from the bed. I looked at myself in the mirror, shaking my head at how dumb I was for even thinking that earlier.

"Jesus, do you not know how to answer your phone, Flora?" Liam spoke. I sighed, apologizing. It was odd that Liam was calling me off of Niall's phone.

"Come now and bring narcan, I'm texting you the address," he spoke hurriedly. With panic in his voice, he hung up the phone. I stormed back in the room, where Harry was smirking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows at what he must've been smiling at, but noticed the bulge in his shorts as soon as he stood up.

"We have to go, now," I spoke, tossing him clothes to get dressed. I pulled out some of my own, taking no time. As soon as I was about to walk out, Harry grabbed me by my waist, placing a kiss behind my ear. I shuddered as his fingers began to massage my back, just behind my neck.

"You're sexy when you're flustered," he whispered. I pulled away from him.

"Not now Harry, someone is fucking dying-" I spoke worriedly, pushing him by his shoulders. He was taken aback at my words, complying and getting dressed. Not to be distant with him, but I was also trying to forget about what I thought I heard earlier, my emotions acting like a roller coaster. My phone buzzed in my pocket, the address pulling up not that far from us.

I hurriedly rushed out the door, the bag of medical supplies slung around my shoulder, while Harry was just grazing slowly, having no care in the world. I ran back to him, snatching the keys out of his hand and running down the remainder of the steps. I quickly unlocked the car, getting into the front seat, my heart pumping loudly as Harry ran in behind me, slumping down into the passenger seat. I quickly skirted out of the parking spot, unknowingly driving on the left side of the road.

Cars began honking, and I abruptly swerved to the right, driving quickly through the streets of Naples. I looked down on my phone for a brief second before I looked up to see the road ending, buildings shielding my way of continuing. I slammed on the brakes, parking and running through the slim alley way. My feet tapped along the pavement, my sounds echoing through the enclosed space.

"What the fuck is going on?" Harry called out behind me. My hands trembled as I ran, reaching the other side of the road, where there was a gathering of people surrounding someone on the ground.

I pushed my way through the crowd, seeing Niall on the floor, his face sweating heavily and his face beginning to drain of color. Before asking questions, I dropped down to my knees, pulling out the Naloxone and a syringe. His lips were beginning to blue as I injected the syringe, watching it fill up by milliliters.

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