|| Chapter 8 ||

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Sizzle was roaming around the entrance of the school after she woke up from her nap. And she was very bored. What the heck do I do? Wait until the three moons to aline or something? Maybe I can- Her thoughts were interrupted when she spotted a SandWing student just finish checking in. But it wasn't just a normal SandWing. That SandWing was there when her mother and siblings died. He must've saw who killed them! Then, once she found out who the murder was, she would hunt them down.

"Hey! You!" Sizzle shouted and the SandWing turned around nervously. Sizzle shook her head because she definitely sounded harsh. 

"I'm sorry. My name is Sizzle. I think I saw you a few weeks ago? Were you there when...the...erm, murders happened? In the Scorpion Den?" she winced at the memory.

"Um, y-yes. It was terrible. My name is Kiba. Wait, were you the dragon they had to drag off?" Kiba's voice seem to shake a bit.

Sizzle raised one eyebrow in annoyance, trying to keep her sadness away when talking about this topic. "That doesn't matter. Did you see who did it?" she asked, carefully.

"Well, everyone was saying it was a SandWing. But I think they were assuming nearly all of it. The figure was small but no one knows for sure what gender it was and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a SandWing. It was pitch black. Like a shadow. It was horrifying," Kiba quivered and continued, "If I had to say what tribe it was, it was probably a NightWing or a RainWing in camouflage. They had to have been an assassin. Why else would they kill innocent SandWings?"

The two SandWings with fell silent and Sizzle furrowed her brow and shut her eyes, upset. Why would someone do that? Kill innocent dragons? "I'm sorry for all these crazy questions straight off the bat. Those dragons just meant...a lot to me. Thank you for helping me," Sizzle sighed and waved good-bye to Kiba before he could say another word.

Sizzle was walking back to her Winglet House not paying attention and ran right into a dragon with freezing cold scales. Sizzle stumbled back and saw she tripped into an IceWing. IceWings looked so much more sharp and regal in real life. 

"Oh sorry about that. I didn't see you there," Sizzle helped him up. 

"Don't worry about it. I didn't see you either," he stood up and Sizzle held out her talons. She better make a good impression at least. "I'm Sizzle. I'm part of the Wood Winglet, by the way," she said confidently. 

"Gentoo. It's great to meet you and I'm in the Wood Winglet, too," Sizzle noticed that he smiled a bit and she felt happy about that. Gentoo had fancier patterns than the IceWings she read about when she was being homeschooled. He had pale gray scales with icy blue speckles that shifted to dark navy down the scales that were closet to his white underbelly. His white horns had two blue stripes on them each and he had bright blue eyes. His golden arm band shone in the sunlight with a blue feather sticking out from it.

Sizzle walked up with him to the Winglet House. "I forgot that this school was on an island. Basically the polar opposite of the Ice Kingdom. I don't know how it would affect you though," he tilted his head. 

Sizzle shrugged. "Eh, it's not terrible. I think it's way prettier than the Kingdom of Sand. I mean I love my home but other than the occasional oasis, it's sand, sand, and look over there! More sand!" she exclaimed sarcastically and Gentoo laughed as he opened the door to the House.

"Oh wow! This is nicer than I expected," the IceWing widened his eyes when he entered the sleeping area. Sizzle bounced on her cotton bed as she watched Gentoo try out the moss. "I know right? So nice!" 

Sizzle and Gentoo bonded some more while the rest of their Winglet started to enter. She soon caught on that Gentoo was probably the most observant dragon she has ever met. And he was even more sarcastic than she was! Now, that was pretty rare.

Gentoo would whisper everyones overall personality trait to her when they came in one by one and it was actually pretty helpful. And hilarious! 

Secretstalker was very quiet and creepy and she didn't say a word at all. She even moved her nest to a different room. Snail was pretty funny and a friendly guy. Vine was the clumsiest RainWing Sizzle's ever seen. Blare was alright. A bit bland but she was alright.

It had been a couple hours before the SeaWing rushed in. She looked at Gentoo and Sizzle and smiled brightly and it was the most dazzling smile that lit up the whole room. "She's cute," Sizzle whispered and then slammed her jaws shut. Only Gentoo heard. He seemed surprised at first but then started to nudge her, grinning and she nearly shoved him off of his moss. He doesn't seem to mind that I'm a lesbian. That's actually pretty nice. Maybe we can be good friends after all. Oh, holy three moons why is the SeaWing's smile so gorgeous? her thoughts spiraled in her head as the small SeaWing bounced over to them. 

"Hello!! It is so great to meet you! My name is Coast! Wow, you're a little cold," she said happily as she shook Gentoo's talons vigorously. The IceWing blinked a couple times. 

Coast had beautiful extremely light sky blue scales that faded into dark cyan at her snout, talons, and tail. She had gorgeous blue eyes, gleaming white horns, and nearly transparent cyan webs between her claws and along her head and back. She also had dark teal bioluminescent scales under her eyes and snout. And did Sizzle mention she had the most lovely smile?

"Oh my goodness! Your scales are so pretty! I never seen scarlet markings on a SandWing before! So cool! What's your name?" Coast shook Sizzle's talons and Sizzle tried not to blush.

"I'm Sizzle. The cold IceWing over there is Gentoo. I love your name!" she managed to say and felt herself turning bright red.

Coast seemed flustered at the compliment but then beamed. "Aw you're so sweet! Your name is way better than mine! And such a cool SandWing name!" Coast breathed and looked away from Sizzle to glance around the room with stunning blue eyes. "Three moons, it's hot in here, isn't it?" the SeaWing said as she curled up on the seaweed bed. 

"Nah, I find it pretty freezing actually," Gentoo responded and smirked at Sizzle. The sand dragon gave him the 'if-you-don't-stop-implying-that-it's-love-at-first-sight-in-front-of-her-I-will-smite-you' look.

"Well, I'm SO crazy excited to be here!! And I'm so happy I'm already making friends!" Coast kept smiling at Sizzle and Sizzle kept blushing and was nearly ready to smack herself.

I'm her friend? Really? Sizzle... don't get your hopes up. Coast is probably the dragon that makes friends in five minutes. But I have to admit. Best five minutes of my life, Sizzle sighed dreamily in her thoughts.

Who knew that SeaWings could be so beautiful?

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