Chapter One (Introduction)

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The streets of London, England were swarming with citizens who tried deserting the streets in search of shelter from the pouring rain. I, unlike most, came semi-prepared with a large trench coat my brother used to wear. It kept me warm and fairly dry with the exception of my exposed (y/h/c) hair.

I trudged through the mud and rain up the hill to my apartment. The apartment complex I live in always has a chill to it, and you can always hear the neighbors shouting at one another or yelling at the television.

I walked in through the big and heavy doors that lead to the complex lobby and made my way up three flights of stairs. My apartment was bare of wall decor and had mundane whitish-beige walls. The only piece of furniture I owned that didn't match the monotonous atmosphere was my mothers redwood bookcase; which, oddly enough, held no books.

Most of my counter tops were empty with the occasional items I scatter when in a rush. The only two things that sat on the small space of bar I had were a few kitchen knives and a coffee maker I hardly ever used.

The living room had a faded brown couch that sat right beside a cracked and leaky window. I do most everything from this one room. I eat, I read, I write, and I watch television from this couch right next to that old window.

"I will never get tired of that smell and sound." I said to myself, referring to the pitter patter of the rain against the glass.

I sat down on the couch and started to browse some shows when I got a message from an old friend.
Floris :D

Floris :D
Hey there y/n :)
How's a hanging?
Fairly well!
I've been getting on well at the coffee shop :)
How about you?
Floris :D
I'm perusing my life-long dream of becoming a streamer, and I've been successful thus far!
And I texted you to ask...
Would you like to meet my streamer buddies?
I know it's short notice but you'd really like them! And maybe you could be friends with them too :D
That sounds amazing Floris :)
I'd love to meet with your friends :D
What time and what app?
Floris :D
Now would be perfect!
And discord :)
I'll invite you to our private discord server

"Oooo private discord fancyyyy!" I joke to myself.

I got the notification from discord and joined their server. As soon as I joined their server I noticed people in a voice chat, including Floris (who apparently goes by Fundy online), and I was told to join. I grabbed my nice headset and joined on my PC.

It was so loud and chaotic, everyone was speaking at the same time, but I still said a quick "Hello?".

It went dead silent.

Seconds after, Floris, aka Fundy, shouted out, "Y/N HELLO HELLO! I'M SO HAPPY TO FINALLY BE TALKING TO YOU!"

"Hi Fundy," you chuckled "Okay, so are these the people you wanted me to meet?"

"Hi I'm Tommy." Some kid blurted out,

"Shut up Tommy." Fundy started "Yeah, these are most of them, now you can say hi!"

"Hi, I'm Tubbo." What sounded like another child said.

"I'm Dream."

"I'm George, you can call me gogy if you want though."

"And I'm Wilbur."

"Hey everyone," I smiled even though they couldn't see me, "I'm Y/N."


584 words

Hello hello hellooooo everyone :D

I hope you all enjoyed this opening chapter!!
Please feel free to give suggestions on what should happen next :>



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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