Chapter Two

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"I know who you are Zara." He whispers into my ear. I froze. The fuck?

"W-what? No you don't." I sort of snap at him.

"Yes I do." He comes closer to my ear again. "You're a demon. No, you're more than that. You're a succubus."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Get away from me." I look around for Clara. I finally spot her and walk towards her.

"Zara! Wait! Let me explain!" He starts yelling and runs to me. "Zara please we need you."

"What is he talking about?" Clara asks me as she downs another shot.

"I don't know. Can we leave? Please?" I ask her. I had to get away from this guy.

"I mean yeah. Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now." I grab her arm and we walk towards the exit.

"Zara!" I hear the guy yell again.

I pick up my pace and exit the club with Clara. I yell for a cab again and we quickly jump in.

"What was that all about? He acted like he knew you or something." She asks me.

"I don't know who he was Clara, but there's something I need to tell you when we get home." I explain. It's time she knows what I am.

"You're sort of scaring me Zara."

"No don't be. It's fine." I assure her.

We arrive back at our apartment and walk inside together.

"Let's sit down." I tell her.

"So what is it?" She sits down next to me.

Just tell her Zara. Dammit just tell her!

"Clara this is going to sound crazy and you probably won't believe me, but it's true." I say. I bit at my lip as she stares at me.

"I'll believe you no matter what. I'm your best friend. Just tell me." She holds onto my hand trying to comfort me.

"I'm a demon." I blurt out. Clara's eyes grow wider.

"W-what? You're fucking with me right? That's like impossible." She says altogether.

"It's true. I'm technically called a succubus. The only person that knows is my dad. He's a demon as well." I explain.

"What? Why didn't you tell me this?" She's standing up now and pacing the floor. "Prove it."

"Huh?" I ask.

"Prove it." She says again.

"No, you don't need to see me like that. I might hurt you or something." I answer.

"Zara just show me."

"O-okay.." I stand up from my seat. I inhale and then exhaled. I hadn't transformed in a long time. I form into my other self and began to hover over Clara.

"What the fuck?" I guess she believed me now.

I quickly transformed back. I try to catch my breathe again.

"You had fucking wings! And fangs! And horns!  And your were fucking gorgeous!" She yells. She runs to me and hugs me.

"Wait. You're not freaked out or anything?" I ask.

"Well sort of, but this shit is awesome!" She answers.

"Yeah my dad told me not to ever tell anymore because most would just take advantage of me because I'm so powerful." I explain.

"Is that why that guy was bothering you?" She's ask as we both sit back down together.

"Yeah. He said he knew what I was. He was demon too. An incubus I believe. I don't know what he was doing here but he said that they need me." I continue to tell her.

"This is all so crazy. I want to be a demon." She whines. "Wait is there only demons?" She asked.

"Oh no, my dad used to tell me he knew some vampires, devils, and even some werewolves. I've never met any though." I tell her. Maybe I was telling her too much, but know I can trust her.

"Well can we please go to bed?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh do you have to drink blood like a vampire or something?" She completely ignored my question.

"Well yes, especially if I want to be more powerful." I answer. "Now come on, I'm tired." I grab her arm and drag her towards our bedroom.

"Well goodnight then you demon."

"Shut up Clara. Go to bed." I say as I get in bed and cover myself up.

The next day I'm woke up again but this time someone was banging on the door.

"Clara get the damn door!" I yell and throw my pillow at her.

"You get it! I'm hungover!" She yells back.

"God dammit ugh!" I get up from my bed, dragging my comforter with me. I unlock the door and open it.

It was the guy from the club.

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