Chapte Three

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"H-how did you find me?" I stutter.

"I followed your scent. It was very...strong." He smirked. Ugh. I should of known. My scent was strong, it's what draws men in. That's why guys are always staring when I go anywhere. I can't do much to hide it.

"Well can you leave please." I say back. He was making me nervous because he was standing so close.

"No, I need to talk to you. Don't you know what I am?" He asked. He was a incubus. He was my male counterpart.

"Yeah I know what you are. I'm not the only one with a strong scent." I snap back. "And I know what you want me for too."

"What?" He ask. Stepping closer again.

"First back off. And you just want me to make yourself more powerful." My dad always told me people are going to want to use you to make themselves stronger. My dad taught me to always watch out for myself.

"Actually no, I need your power, but not for me. I need you to fight with us. There's a war coming." He explained.

"I don't want to fight in your war! I want to stay here! I don't want that kind of life!" I started to scream. He was just pissing me off now.

"What the hell are you yelling for?" Clara asked as she walked into out of the bedroom rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing Clara, go back to bed." I tried to tell her. I didn't want to get her anymore involved than she already was. I should of never told her.

"Hey aren't you the guy from the club? What are you doing here?" She asked him as she walked closer to him.

"I needed to talk to Zara." He answers.

"About what?" She raised her eyebrow. I pull her closer to me.

"He's like me. He's a demon. I don't know if I should trust him yet or not." I explain to her.

"Oh.." she steps back behind me.

"Let me introduce my self okay? I'm Damion." He reaches out to me to shake my hand.

"Hi I'm Zara." I shake his hand. I guess I can let him explain his self. "Look you can come in and explain things but if you try anything I will kill you." I threaten him.

"Okay okay deal." He sort of laughed. I wasn't joking about killing him though.

"Well come in and sit down." I hold the door for him and he walks in. He follows behind me as I take him to the living room.

We all three sat down together. I wasn't taking my eyes off him and I tried to read his mind, but I couldn't very well. I had to admit he was good looking and it was hard to control myself, but I did. It was just part of being a succubus, I always want sex. I've gotten good at controlling it though.

"Well tell me." I say, breaking the silence.

"Look there's a war coming. It's between us demons and the werewolves and others as well. We're strong, but not strong enough. You're a succubus, you're more powerful than us all. We need you. We can win with you on our side. We'll get you ready, we'll teach you all we can." He said all at once.

Does he really expect me to say yes? "I can't just leave my life and go fight for you! I don't even know you!" I started yelling again. He was pissing me off again.

"Look I know it's a lot to take in, but you knew this day was coming. I know you did. You're meant to be in our world whether you like it or not. It's going to catch up to you. So you better get used to it now.

"Yes I knew this was going to happen okay? I knew one day I would have to go, but today isn't that day!" Ugh I was so pissed. He can't just expect me to run off with him and go fight in a war.

"Look I'm sorry but I can't help you. Can you please leave now?" I ask as I stand up.

"Please Zara. We need you." He was practically begging, but it wasn't working.

"No I said I'm sorry so leave now."

"I can't go back to them without you!" He started yelling. I was getting more and more angry with him until finally I could feel myself transform. I was glaring down at him now.

"Holy shit, that's amazing. See you're so powerful Zara! Please!"

"No! Get out!" I yell. I looked over to see Clara huddled up in the corner of the couch. "Leave!" I yell again.

"But wait" he tried to say.

"Get out!"

"But Zara don't you want to meet your mother?"

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