- New Friends? -

122 5 14

wildman added y/username to the chat

y/username - Dafuq? Who dis?

wildman - if you didn't want people to text you on here then why the fuck did you get it?

y/username - Fair enough

wildman - im gonna add my friends cause I feel like it

wildman added CanWeRestart? to the chat
wildman added WeirdAssPanda to the chat
wildman added MilkBag to the chat

Milkbag - where the fuck am I

wildman - somewhere

MilkBag - K.

CanWeRestart? - may I ask why I was added?

wildman - cuz I fuckin felt like it and I made a new friend

y/username - what- aight guess we friends then

wildman - see

WeirdAssPanda - oh fun piggy made an actual friend for once

wildman - stfu

y/username - piggy-?

wildman - don't ask

MilkBag - ima add some more idiots hold on

MilkBag added hoodini to the chat
MilkBag added vapeman to the chat

hoodini - hoo

wildman - dini

y/username - im not even gonna ask how i got here or who any of u are but okay

wildman added HolyPotatoe to the chat
wildman added ImbetterthanJSE to the chat

vapeman - milk boy why tf was I added im busy watching spongebob

MilkBag - without me? damb 😔

y/username - honestly that is pretty rude

MilkBag - right

ImbetterthanJSE - .....?

HolyPotatoe - same brian

WeirdAssPanda - I left for a few minutes and come back to this?

MilkBag - Yup

WeirdAssPanda - ima add in Marcel and scooter

wildman - epic

WeirdAssPanda added whoreforchickfila to the chat
WeirdAssPanda added froozer to the chat

whoreforchickfila - anthony we already have a gc why am I here?

WeirdAssPanda - blame Tyler and his new friend

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