Chapter 5: Leanne

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I am woken up at 10:30 in the morning to the sound of tears. My mom tells me some bad news: Leanne is dead. I look at my mom in the eyes, and I hug her as I sob. "How.... How is she....dead...?" I said as I sob. "She was stabbed- By her father." Mom replied. "Why would her own father do such a thing?!" I questioned. "I have no answer for that one...That's Leanne's family's business" Mom said. "The funeral is today at 1:30 PM, which is in about 3 hours. You might want to start getting ready so we can get to the church early." Mom said. I hop out of bed and I take a shower. Then I put a dress and heels on- My dress and heels that were Leanne's favorite.Then I put on some makeup. Finally I straightened my long silky hair with the straightening iron and I walk carefully down the stairs. I put on my purse and oxygen tank and we hit the road at 12:30 PM. As my mom was driving, I was on my phone, taking a look at all 1,238 of Leanne's Instagram photos and saved my favorites to my camera roll. We arrived at the church at 1:00 PM- just when Leanne's mom and siblings arrived. "We are so sorry for your loss Adrianne." Mom said to Leanne's mother. "Thank you for your support and I am glad you can make it." Adrianne sobbed. We walk inside the church with Leanne's mom and siblings and take the front seats- the seats closest to Leanne's coffin. Adrianne was crying really hard and my mom was calming her down. "I really miss Leanne." I said to Sandra, Michael, and Yaneliz (Pronunciation: Yan-A-Lease). "I know... She was only 16. I wish Daddy never stabbed her. I loved her with all my heart and I still do." Sandra said. "We don't even know why Daddy stabbed her, but he is behind bars now." Michael said. "I miss you so much lil' sis. I love you." Yaneliz said. Adrianne, Sandra, Michael, and Yaneliz started saying things to Leanne up in heaven like
"Mourn not long that she is gone... Rejoice forever that she was" and
"We don't have you here in person with us no more, but we still will always have you in our hearts. Amen."
At 1:30 the church was filled. The priest started saying all the stuff he is supposed to say and he does what he needs to do. An few hours later, when the funeral is done, it was time for them to barry her in the churchyard. We drive to the churchyard where they are barring Leanne's coffin. Adrianne and Leanne's siblings are putting stuff on the coffin and put flowers and other stuff around the coffin. The coffin was now underground. "We will visit you everyday to check on you and see how you are doing in heaven, Leanne. We love and miss you so very much. Amen." Leanne's family prayed. We did the prayer with them because Leanne and her family was very much like family to us. We get home and it is late but not too late. We get ready for bed and we pass out. "I miss you so m-much, Leanne. You were and will always be my b-best friend. You may not be here with me a-anymore but you will a-always be in my heart. I love and miss you s-s-so much. Amen." I prayed as I sobbed. I sobbed my self to sleep. This day was the worst day of my life.

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