moonlight shine

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(Disclaimer) I do not own inuyasha! It was made by Rumiko Takahashi!! I just made a fanfiction love story about them! Don't forget to follow and vote for more stories!

In to the story!


Rin's POV

Its been six years since Inuyasha and the others defeated naraku.Lord Sesshomaru left me at the human village under the care of priestess kaede because i'll be safer there, That was his reasoning.

I just simply agreed to him because a powerful dog demon can't just drag a human girl like me everywhere he went, all i did was cause trouble to him, but still, he frequently visited me bringing me kimonos and all kinds of gifts, Well, that was three years ago,I always wondered why he didn't even pay me a visit in the last three years.Am i no longer something to him?

I snapped out of my deep thinking when kagome called out to my name, i forgot that i was picking up herbs at jinenji's place. "Something on your mind rin?" kagome asked while smiling, I turned my head to her direction and answered, "yes i guess".

"It's about Sesshomaru right?"she said while picking some herbs my eyes widened and I quickly stood up, "n-no" i muttered while dusting my kimono then picked up my basket, "Don't worry about it, maybe he is just busy and has a lot of things on his mind you know him,fighting off something day and night"
she said while standing up and walked beside me.

"It's getting dark rin we should go back now" she looked up on the sun setting sky, I nodded my head and we waved jinenji and his mother goodbye..

while we're walking on the dirt path I looked down and spoke to kagome,

"It's been three years kagome
maybe there's no chance of him coming back,I mean I have no hard feelings for him,I never will! After all I'm just a vassal, for a powerful demon that can make any place tremble and fall down only from his glare, I'm simply nothing compared to him"

"kagome looked at me with soft smile, Rin, I know Sesshomaru has a cold and a hard hearted nature but,just looking on how many times he saved you and how he desperately wanted you to come back to life when you were abducted and taken inside the meido,It's impossible he'll forget and will never come back to you!" She stated

"And remember when the well closed and inuyasha and I were seperated in our own times?"I looked up to her and nodded, "well, I waited three years to see him again, even though I thought i'll never see him again I still waited until fate brought us together again!"

fate brought them together huh? I guess only the lucky ones gets the fate of their dreams,I said to myself, I thank kagome for advice "I should wait as well kagome" I said while smiling, "oh were here!"Kagome perked her head up to see we're in front of the village we waved each other goodbye and parted to our own ways.

I was greeted by the old priestess, "Oh rin! Ye finally here! Welcome back!" I placed the basket down at the side of the door, "Sorry for making you wait Granny kaede!" I said while loosening my hair from the tie, "tired ey?" The old priestess said, "Hah,very tired" I sighed while walking to sit down in front of the little fire place, "well let me fetch ye some water in the stream" she walk towards two wooden buckets before going outside the door, I quickly turned around and ran up to granny kaede,

"I'll do it myself, I don't want you getting tired since you had a hard time harvesting medicinal herbs and vegetables as well!" I said while getting the buckets from her with a smile , "and besides I need some fresh air in the flower field I really need a breather"So I went outside and went to the flower field. forgetting the current errand I said that i need to do.

"I see,I see, why yer very lucky to have her Sesshomaru." Kaede sighed to herself and grabbed a clay cup which has some steaming green tea in it.

I sat in the tree in front of the field, I looked up to see it was a crescent moon tonight just like the purple moon in his forehead sometimes covered with his silver shining hair, as wind blew a flower petal flew to my hair I gently removed the petal on
My hair, I was surprised to see the flower was magenta, like the demon markings in his face, then it suddenly hit me all the memories, all my adventures with him,it happened again, my heart starts aching, tears started rolling out of my face.

It's true,I miss him a lot. Even master Jaken and ah-un,because I found peace and home in them.They're the reason that i got my voice back thats why I want to see them just for a glimpse.

3rd Person's POV

As the corner of her eyes started to water and sore more, the moon the was once hidden beneath the clouds, shone through.She easily noticed how bright and beautiful the moon is tonight surrounded by the stars.... She stood up wiped her tears away and whispered through the wind

"Lord Sesshomaru, isn't the Moon beautiful tonight?"


Hi guys! This is my first time writing a story here! Well I write stories but just on a notebook and stuff soo yeah! Hope you enjoy this! I'll be posting more chapters! And stories!

plz vote,follow,and,comment for more stories! ^••^

**Memories I'm trying to forget**Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora