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✴Flashback starts✴ Ring ring ring ring............


" hello my name is Dr. Stevens is this Mrs.Payne I am speaking with?"

" yes"

" yes I am calling about your son liam Payne"

" oh my god what happened to my baby?"

" I don't know if it would be appropriate to discuss this over the phone Mrs.payne"

✴flashback end✴

As Mrs.Payne ran through the hallways of Wolverhampton General Hospital all sorts of bad things where running through her mind, as she reached the front desk of the 3rd floor she seen a young doctor standing there waiting for her," Mrs.Payne?" " yes you must be Dr.Stevens" she said." Yes if you'll fallow me to my office I will fill you in on what happened to your son" with that being said Dr.Stevens and Mrs.Payne walked towords his office. Once in the office the doctor started talking" at approximately quarter after 8 we received a call that a boy in his late teens was being brought in complaining of abdominal pain after being pushed down three flights of stairs, when your son arrived he was bleeding profusely and had a large cut across his forehead, we stitched up his forhead, there is something else and I am not quite sure how to tell you this Mrs.Payne. " Dr.Stevens say looking at her as he sits down behind his desk." The cause of Liam's heavy abdominal bleeding was from uh your son was pregnant." He said looking at Mrs.Payne, " well I know he could but I just didn't tell him when he was growing up, so we could have prevented this from happening to him" Mrs.Payne say has she starts to tear up as the realization that she just lost her first grandchild started to sink in."may I see my son?" Mrs.Payne asked," fallow me I'll bring you to his room" Dr.Stevens say walking to the door. As they walk down the hall they hear yelling and screaming, " get out of my room Andy" they here liam shout, when she heard Andy's name Mrs.Payne made a run for her son's hospital room.

Liam's POV

" get out of my room Andy" I shout at Andy as he tryed to give me a hug,"liam babe please I'm sorry I didn't mean to puch you down the stairs" Andy said as he sat down on the corner of my bed,"I don't care Andy because of you I lost the baby Andy!!! She gone" I yell and start to cry as I hear him gasp and I hear him start to cry as well," I am so so so sorry baby I did-didn't mean too its just I got scared when you said you ever pregnant, I couldn't be a father not at my age." Andy said as he gets up and starts to pace back and forth around the room." Neither was I ANDY do you think I wanted this? Do you think I wasn't fucking scared?" I screamed at him causing him to stop and look at me," I'm sorry" Andy said just above a whisper and starts to walk back over to me." Liam I am so so from the bottom of my heart sorry please forgive me" Andy said crying once again and the sight had my heart breaking in two," I'm sorry Andy but I can't, it's over between use." I say watching his face contort into one of sadness and despair and most of all regret for what happened, just then my hospital room door fly's open and two policeman walk in," Andy Samuels you are here by under arrest for assault in the first degree and for the loss of life not yet born" one of the men said putting handcuffs on Andy." No wait" I scream at them as they start to take him out of the room, they stop and turn around to face me,"yes Mr.Payne?" One of the officers asked, " who called you?" I asked sitting up a bit in my bed," your mother young man she want Mr.Samuels as far away from you." The same officer said.

3 weeks latter

" liam honey I need to talk to you about something important" my mum said walking into my room, " OK mum, what is it?" I ask looking at her," well liam we are moving to Bradford next week" mum said," OK mum" I say to her not bothering to argue with her because I know she is doing this for my own good and wellbeing and to get away from Andy, I had heard was released a week ago with a restraining order against him to stay 1000 feet away from me so that makes it hard to go to school with him so I guess my mum made the best decision for me.

Moving day

I just pack the rest of my stuff up when I came across the teddy bear Andy bought for the baby the week he found out the same week he changed and started being a real fuck head to me. I get up off the floor and bring the last of my stuff down for the movers to take to the truck. Mum was already out in the car waiting for me, I take one last walk through my old house, certain memories flooding my mind as I walked around with the teddy bear in my hands, I walk out of the house and lock the door and bent down and place the teddy bear by the door. I stand back and walk over to the car get in and mum drives away, I will never let anyone know of my past and what I went through, this will be forever The secrets of my past.

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