Chapter Two

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Zayn's POV
Summer break went by far to fast for my liking, now school has started up and I could careless really but we have this new kid in school. what's his name again leeroy or leeon something like that, I don't think he talks much through I introduce myself and all he did was nod his head, like what the fuck!! really you just nod your head at me. I have to admit though he is very hot but no one can know that, I have a girlfriend she's great but I don't love her I may say it but I don't really mean it. Perrie and I have been going out for a few months now but I don't think I can carry on with it, she too much of a bitch and far too clingy, I don't like that in people. That new kid has been on my mind ever scenes last class, he's just so beautiful his light brown hair, his broad shoulders and well built chest, I never got a good look at his eyes I bet they are beautiful.." Did I just say that" I thought to myself.
When I got home I seen my father's car was gone and the front door wide open, I rush up the steps and ran to the kitchen to see my mum on the floor cleaning up a mess," mum did he do that?" I ask as i get down to help her clean up." Yes dear but he just got a little.."" Mum stop trying to defend him" I say to her. Once we got the mess cleaned up I go and make mum and myself a tea, we talk about what had happened and I tried to convince mum to leave him or to kick him out before he hurts her badly. I look out the window and see the new kid walk into the house next door, oh so that must be Mrs.Paynes son she did say his name but for the life of my I can't recall it I know it starts with a L. I go up to my bedroom and try to do my homework, I look up and the new kid changing into lazy cloths and grab his laptop and get on his bed, I then realized I was being a creeper and got back to my homework which I gave up on soon after. I decided to go and have a shower, I turn on the water and let it get hot and strip down and I still have a semi hard on from watching the new ki.." Liam that's his name" I said to myself as I stepped in to the shower, as I let the hot water run over my body I start thinking of liam and my mind goes back to him changing and my cock starts to harden and I feel the urge to jerk off. After my shower/ jerk off session I headed down stairs and had my supper. When I get back up to my room I see my phone light up indicating that I have a new text message I walk over and flop down on my bed and unlock to my home page, to see that Perrie has texted me more then once.
Perrie: hey baby. I didn't see you after school where did you go?
Perrie: zayn are you there babe?
Perrie: ZAYN!!!
Petrie: sorry babe you most be having supper or somthing.
Perrie:zayn are you there?
Me: sorry babe was just helping mum clean up.
Me: I can't talk right now I'm heading off to bed.
Perrie: OK babe night.
Fucking bitch I think I'm just going to end it tomorrow at school, I just can't take it anymore. I get under my covers and about to turn off my light when I hear the faint sound of sobbing " mum?" I call out but get no answer and the sobbing continues I then realized that my window is open and the sobbing coming from next door, "liam is cry?" I thought to myself, I wonder why he's crying?.
Beep beep beep
I hear my alarm go off in the middle of a very nice dream and I find myself hoping one day it will be true, in my dream liam and I started to date and where in the middle of making love when my damn alarm when off. As I shower I remember hearing liam crying last night, I plan on finding out why, the problem is I don't think he'll talk to me, I was quit cocky to him yesterday, after I finish my breakfast I start my walk to school when I see liam step out of his house." Hey liam" I shout as i run up to him," oh hey zayn" liam say and I just stop in my tracks," he just spoke to me" I thought to myself," want to walk to school together?" I ask as I get a good look at his perfect beautiful brown eyes," um uh o-o-ok I guess" he stutterd a little bit and I had to stop myself from cooing, we start walking again and a comfortable silence falls over us," so um last night um uh I heard you crying" I said as we where reaching the school and the minute the words leave my mouth I see liam tense up a bit," oh um uh I was watching a really sad movie last night" liam said not looking at me as we walked up the school steps," um ok" I said opening the door for him to go a head of me," so um what movie was it" I asked walking towards our lockers when I heard this wonderful sound to every cross my ears and I look up to see liam laughing," um if I tell you promise you won't laugh?" He asked," I promise not to laugh liam" I say as we stop at what I'm guessing is his locker," um well I was watching toy story" liam says as he opens his locker and gets what he'll need for first period.
I still can't believe that liam was crying from toy story it just seems odd it almost sounds like a lie but then again I don't really know him that well, who knows maybe he is lieing to me about the real reason why he was crying. I decided to skip my first three classes to just think and also to think about a good way of breaking things off with perrie, three hours pass by fast when you have just yourself and your thoughts and I believe I have a good way to break up with perrie, I start to make my way too the lunch room when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket I stop to fish it out and continue walking.
Perrie: zayn where are you? You missed your first three classes.
Me: I skipped you stupid bitch! Get the fuck off my back.
Me: I'm not sorry I said the either perrie we are fucking done.
I press send and push my phone back into my pocket and started walking a bit faster towards school, when I push through the schools front door I am immediately greeted with a slap to the faces and stumb on my foot.
" what the fuck?" I say in pain and look up seeing perrie standing there looking hurt and by the look of it crying as while." That's for being a dick and breaking up with through a text, I am willing to look past that and continue like you didn't just do that." Perrie said looking down at me.
" pufff! I meant what I said perrie we are done I never want to see you ugly fat ass faces anywhere near me, and don't even think about having your little sluts for friends spy on me either, I have never loved you when I said it i never meant it, I hate you you are far to bitchy and clingy for my liking." I say pushing past her and walking into the cafeteria. I was sitting in the back of the cafe watching people talk and laugh with their friends, when I see him sitting at a table in the corner with harry, niall and louis laughing and having a good ole time eating the gross stuff the old crappy lunch lady likes to call " food" when in reality it crap. I can't help but smile and feel warm all over seeing liam happy, my eyes kept going to him lips and I can't help but wonder what they would like on mine, I see Louis whisper something in Liam's ear and then he is turning his head to look my way. I feel my cheeks heat up as a blush creeps up, I look away fast then look back to see that he was making his way over to my table, liam looks back at his table a few times before he reach's my table." H-h-h-hi zayn." Liam says while blushing from his cute stutter that I have to stop myself from cooing at him." Hey liam." I say winking at him" did I just wink at him?" I thought to myself." Please have a set liam." I say pushing out a chair for him. Liam sits and starts to fiddle with a loose string on his shirt, I see him look over at his table and see Louis mouth" talk to him" pointing at me." So um uh how is your day going so far?" He asks looking up a bit," well it's going much better now" I say looking at him." That's good" he says looking at me fully now. We talked for the rest on lunch when the bell ring making us jump a bit and laugh." So um what class do you have now?" Liam asks as we start walking out of the cafe," I do believe I have art next. What about you?" I answer him" oh um i-i-i-i have a-a-a-art next too." He answers stuttering again. We walk to art class and sit a different tables when I get a idea " hey liam" I call over to him, he turns his head to look and I wave my hand for him to come over." Yes zayn?" He says when he comes over." Well I figured sense your sitting alone maybe you would like sit me?" I say hoping that he'll sit with me before perrie gets here. " ok I don't think people like sitting with me any way" liam says looking down a little bit almost like he was about to cry, that when I heard it a small sniffle and chocked sob and my eyes go wide," shit" I thought to myself." Liam please don't cry I'm sorry" I say " i-i-i-i'm sorry it just brought up some bad memories, I'm ok now" he says as he walks over to get his stuff and coming back over and sitting down. We sat in the empty art room waiting for more people to show up, when I hear a phone buzz I go to get my phone out when i hear a small whimper beside me, I look over and see liam staring down at him phone his bottom lip quivering and tears fastly rolling down his cheek. " liam?" I say his in question. I don't think he heard me because the next thing I know he starts to shake badly and people are starting to come to class." Liam calm down please." I say just sitting there having no idea what to do. " z-z-z-z-z-zayn p-p-please g-g-go i-i-in t-t-t-to m-m-m-my b-b-b-bag." Liam asks, I do as I'm asked and see a small bottle I grab it and hand it to him. Five minutes latter and I see liam has stopped shaking and seems more calm now." Are you ok now?" I ask him still looking at him concerned for him." Yeah I think so." He says looking up at me and I notice his eyes are red around the rims." What was that liam?"" It was a panic attack I have them from time to time, I have to have me meds with all the time just in case this happens out in public." Liam says." Ok class today we are starting a group project today." Mr Banks says." Ok I will pair you guys up and they you have to come up with something to do for the project, be it drawing, painting, photography. " he starts pairing people up." And Zayn malik and liam payne you guys are working together, now everyone find your partner and start brainstorming ideas." Mr.Banks says walking back to his desk. The rest of the day went by fast being with liam and I have this warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach just being around him. We get eachothers numbers while we walk home together, we part ways and go inside. That night while laying bed I found myself thinking about what happened today at school with liam having that panic attack over something that he was looking at on his phone. I was in the middle on my thoughts when my phone gose off, I reach for and look to see who texted me.
liam: hey zayn.
Me: hey leeyum.
Liam: can't sleep
Me: aww why liam?
Liam: I just can't sleep.
Me: you too huh? Neither can I.
Liam: yeah.
Me: come to the window.
Liam: ok
I get up and go over to my window and see liam at his blushing some.
"Why are you blushing liam?" I ask him leaning out of my window some." Um your just in your boxers zayn" he says then giggles a little. I look down and sure enough I was standing there in just my boxers." Oh um sorry if you want I can put some pants on" I say." Its ok really it is hot out tonight any." He says relaxing a bit and standing up to show he was just in his boxers as well. I relax a bit and and sit on my window seat liam doing the same," though I doubt he's sitting to hiding his hard on" I think to myself. We stayed up for hours just talking about each other, I learned that liam loves the movie toy story and has a fear of spoons, but I can't help but feel like there is something he's not telling me.

Omg there we go I finally updated this story hahahahaha
Hopoe you guys love it.
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So much love from Ireland
Love Mathew H
Aka liamboy23

Word count: 2,523

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