Chapter two

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Keith POV
I looked up to see hunk and pidge laying on the ground with scared expressions covering their faces i tried standing up wobbling a bit in the process I looked up to a big chunk of ice in the middle of a big crater that was created by the earthquake

I started slowly walking up to the crater hearing hunks protests once every five second I walked a bit closer seeing a shadow looking like a person as walked closer I saw to white glowing eyes I shouted to pidge and hunk to come help get the person out they quickly got on their feet and ran over to me ready to help " there's a person in there hunk make me a hatchet quickly " pidge ordered as hunk made his way over to us he made two hatchets one for him and one for pidge

I began heating up myself visualizing the flame forming as fire began coming out of my hands I told them to back of to not accidentally burn them as more fire erupted from my hands melting the ice I stopped when I thought it was enough

And hunk and pidge practically throwing their hatchets at the ice and made a hole I go into the hole looking around when I saw a person laying on the floor " holy mother fucking shit " I half yelled I walked over to the person laying on the ground touching her wrist trying to find a pulse getting a little startled as I found one I quickly put her on my back and carried her out

To be continued

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