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Lance POV ( bet ya didn't expect that)
I yawned as I sat up stretching my limbs getting a satisfying pop sound I look around the hotel room I was in quite expensive I thought as I looked at all the top quality fabric next to me laying a ugly asshole he didn't even use lotion I got out of the bed as I looked around for my clothes I picked them all up and them on uurghh I smell like booze ew I made my way over to the assholes jacket and take out the purse and take out all the coins I need leaving forty silver duplats in it as I make my way out off the hotel I can guys and girls stare at me but who could blame them it's not every day you see a water tribe member coming out of a hotel room in stripper clothes as I get out of the hotel I start making my way to my run down apartment hoping tonight's asshole won't be too big of an asshole

( back to Keith's POV )

I put the girl down on the haystack bed tucking her in a warm blanket and make a fire to warm her up i look at the girl before me she's really pretty she has long silver eyelashes that matches her long curly silky colored hair that compliments her milk coffee colored skin with two baby blue colored boomerang formed marks under her eyes I turn my back to her so I can make some hot soup she'll need it when she wakes up as I begin cutting the vegetables with pwetty, shiny,sharp knife I hear a groan

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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