Chapter Eight: Movement in the Undergrowth

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Artega did not grant personal interviews often. But as much as he preferred to conduct business by vidscreen, he could not refuse to see Lady Moldar. Though not a member of the Council, she was a major creditor of three of the Councillors. That gave her power he could not ignore.

Of course, he knew why she wanted to see him. As he had anticipated, the Free Forcers had raided her caravan. Groundforce was even now tracking them; he expected a report shortly. But the Strator had no intention of letting Lady Moldar know that.

As the panelled door slid open to admit her, he rose, smiling. "Lady Moldar! Always a pleasure to—"

"I have never been so outraged in my life!" The Lady planted herself across the desk from him, glaring, her anger giving her an effective stature much greater than her diminutive frame. "Teks attacking nobles? Renegade Forcers? Why wasn't I warned? Why wasn't I provided with an escort? What are you doing about those—terrorists?"

Artega kept his smile. "Lady Moldar, the Council felt it best to keep news of the terrorist activity in the mountains as quiet as possible. They feared it might incite unrest among the teks."

"You let me go up there knowing I could be attacked!"

Yes, milady. "No, milady. Until now the terrorists have only raided unoccupied estates. The Council did not believe they would dare attack a noble directly."

"And you agreed?"

"Milady, I thought there might be some danger of such an attack, but I bowed to the Council's wisdom. I do, after all, lead only at their request."

The Lady looked at him closely, eyes narrowed. Somehow, I don't think she believes me, Artega thought. He wondered if he had made a mistake; Lady Moldar could be a powerful enemy if she chose to become one.

But she appeared willing to let it go, this time. "Well," she said. "I suppose there was no permanent damage done."

"I understand there were no casualties," Artega said. "Let us at least be thankful for that."

"My entire household is present and accounted for, Strator," Lady Moldar replied. "Indeed, let us be thankful." She inclined her head slightly, her composure entirely intact once more. "I trust, however, that the Council will now be moved to take action."

Artega sighed heavily. "One can only hope. Rest assured I will do my best to persuade them of the need."

"Thank you for your time, Strator Artega."

"You're most welcome, Lady Moldar."

The Lady left, the door sliding closed behind her. Artega looked at it thoughtfully. "She's hiding something," he said out loud. "Something happened up there she's decided not to tell me about. Skandar?"

"Yes, Strator?"

"I'm designating Lady Moldar's household a Class C security concern. Run background scans on the personal information of all members of her household and monitor their whereabouts. Daily reports to me."

"Yes, Strator."

Artega nodded, satisfied. Such low-grade monitoring shouldn't alert Lady Moldar to his interest, and it just might turn up something interesting—possibly even a Free Forcer spy. Someone, after all, must have told the Free Forcers that the caravan was headed up the mountain road for them to intercept it so neatly.

Still no word from the Groundforce contingent trying to track the Free Forcers to their hiding place, though. "Skandar, Contact Groundforce Lieutenant Chon VY014." Artega drummed his fingers impatiently on his desk until one of the small vidscreens lit with the young lieutenant's image. "Your report is late, Lieutenant," Artega snapped.

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