01 | Rosetta and Philae

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| Y/N's POV |
There's this story my friend once told me, it's about a space craft and it's probe. Rosetta and Philae went into space together. Rosetta was the the first spacecraft to orbit a cometary nucleus. Rosetta and Philae were separated in space. There they remain, in hopes of finding each other some day.

I believe I've found my Philae. His name is August Phillips. He's been my next door neighbor since like forever. I can still remember that time in 1st grade when he tripped and accidentally kissed me. That honestly was the best moment of my life. Even though it may have been an accident, I still dream about it til this day. Me and August are currently in 10th grade. I've liked him ever since 7th grade. Before that I thought of him as the mean smart ass. Then one day I saw him playing soccer with the other guys and something just clicked. I didn't know if it was the way his long hair blew through the wind or the way his eyes sparkle in the sun. It was just something about him that made me see him in a different way. Ever since that day, I've been doing my best to make him see me the same. I walk with him to school, I eat lunch with him and a couple of our other friends and I ask him to help me study after school. I hope one day all of these efforts will make him feel the same about me. He may not see me as his Rosetta yet, but eventually, I can guarantee that he will some day.

                              { Time Skip }

beep beep beep beep

I opened my eyes slowly and shut my alarm off. I got up and got ready for school. I grabbed steamed meat buns and headed out the door. I see August leaving his house too.

Y/N: Hey! August! Wait Up!

He continued to walk and didn't wait for me. I ran to catch up to him.

Y/N: Hey! Do you want a steamed meat bun?

August: No thanks. I already ate.

Y/N: Oh.. Okay!

Y/N: *mumbles* You never accept my gifts anyway..

August: Huh? What was that?

Y/N: O-Oh! U-Uh.. Nothing!

August: Hm.. Okay.

We walked to school in silence. Once we got to our classroom I sat down at my desk.

Ivy: Hey! Y/N, what wrong?

That's Ivy. She's been my best friend since 1st grade. She's super pretty but never accepts the boys who ask her out. I don't really understand why.

Y/N: August didn't accept my meat buns again...

Ivy: Y/N... You'll never give up on him won't you?

Y/N: How can I! Remember that story you told me about Rosetta and Philae? I can't forget about that! August is my Philae...

Ivy: Ivy let out a big sigh. If you say so Y/n.

Mrs. Olsen walked in.

Mrs. Olsen: Good morning class. As most of you may know, the play is coming up. This year's theme will be Romeo and Juliet.

The class starts chattering loud about who the main characters will be.

Mrs. Olsen: Now, now class. Calm down. We will hold auditions for the characters today at 4:00 p.m. If you want to get a part in this play, be prepared and come on time.

                              { Time Skip }

After the auditions, I walked home with August.

Y/N: How was your day Auggie?

August: Don't call me that.

Y/N: I asked you a question!

August: *sighs* It was fine.

Y/N: Okay! *smiles*

We reached both our homes. I said goodbye to August and headed inside.

Y/N: I'm home Mom!

I headed up to my room and took out the new book I was reading. It was about a girl who liked a boy and she chased him all throughout high school until he finally realized he was in love with her. The girl wrote a love letter to him and it gave me an idea.

Y/N: Hm... I should write a love letter to August!

I pulled out a piece of paper and started writing. My words were quite poetic and romantic. August would definitely fall for me after this! He may not see it now, but I'm his Rosetta. One day, He'll come to realize that.

I'm right here August. Your Rosetta is right here.


He loves me, He loves me not | A Love So Beautiful RemakeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora