6: Journey

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3 years ago

"But it doesn't have logic!"

"It's science Tae!"

"Such a science guy. Come here." I dragged him in the sunlight with me.

He told me the irises in our eyes get 45% larger if we look at the person we love.

I stared at his eyes and he grinned at me. Nothing moved. He then stared back.

"Nothing right?"


"So we're clear."


We both giggled and shot finger guns at each other.


"You'd definitely be the better kisser. Just look at your lips. So full and plump." I insisted.

"But yours are wider."

"Still not reasonable. If we asked a person to kiss the one of us, they'd kiss you."

"Hmm... Yeah I guess." He said tilting his chin, hands running through his bouncy hair.

"Then who'd kiss me?" I pouted.

"I would."

I clasp a hand over my mouth and step out of the room, clearly flustered.


We were in our physics class when something hit my head. Me and Jimin were the only ones not writing down anything.

I pick up the piece of wire he threw at me and curl it around my finger, trying to give it a shape.

After class I went up to him. Holding out my hand I asked, "May I?". He brought up his right hand half-way up then gave me his left one, abruptly putting down the former one. He indicated his ring finger.

I slid the "ring" on his ring finger. Where it got stuck. He chuckled. I pulled it out and put it in his pinky.

I don't know why I got upset.


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