Princess Melissa

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Princess Melissa POVHi everyone today I'm going to Queen academy to be the best Queen I can be

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Princess Melissa POV
Hi everyone today I'm going to Queen academy to be the best Queen I can be.
And show off my positive energy .

Author POV
Melissa is not only a princess , she also a vlogger , she records what she does on daily bases .

Melissa POV
So first let me call my best friend Selena because she will be going with me .

Melissa POVSo first let me call my best friend Selena because she will be going with me

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"Hi bitch , what do want ?"Selena says in playful manner .
" So are ready to go or not? ", says Melissa.
"Yeah , I'm coming ".
Soon Selena arrives and they both  put their things in the limo and leave the palace and go to the airport.

Soon Selena arrives and they both  put their things in the limo and leave the palace and go to the airport

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Princesses to be QueensWhere stories live. Discover now