Part 16.5-Valentines Day

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Since Valentines day is coming up, I decided to make a short little part with y/n and Tsukishima on Valentines day. Please Enjoy!!

(This part is before you were pregnant :))
I was at home, working on some files on my upcoming movies I'll be in. I was working until I heard a knock at the door. I went to go open it.
"who is it-" I was shock at what my eyes had seen.
"..happy valentines.." Tsukishima said to me, looking away, handing me a little bouquet of roses.
"Ah, Tsuki-"
"Y/n-sama! who's at the doo-" Hinata said, surprising both me and Tsukishima.
"Why's Tsukishima-san here? How'd you get flowers.....Hah!? Y/n-sama!? Tsukishima-san!? Really!?" Hinata was shocked.
"Yeah, I knew way before you did tangerine." Kageyama said, standing behind us.
"Wait! Really!? How come you guys didn't tell me!?" Hinata asked, upset.
"sorry Hinata.." I said.
"Anyways, we have to go now, we have something to do." Kageyama said.
"No we don't-" Hinata said, but got intterputted.
"Yes we do! come on Tangerine!" Kageyama shouted, grabbing there things and dragging hinata out of the house.
"Stop calling me that!!" Hinata shouted from outside.
Then they left.
"Why didn't you tell me they were going to be here?" Tsukishima asked.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going to come? haha!" I asked laughing.
I looked at the bouquet of roses and smiled to myself.
"What? Is there something wrong with the flowers?" Tsukishima asked.
"no...It's perfect.." I said, smiling at him.
"Hehe, happy valentines day..." I said to him right before he kissed me.
After that, we went to have dinner at a restaurant. Then ran from the paparazzi for a while. We ended the night off on a drive, we stopped at a scenic view and looked at the view from up high. We sat in the trunk, looking out at the sky and the beautiful scenery in the night.
"..Thank you Tsukishima.." I said to him, leaning on his shoulder.
He didn't say anything.
Tsukishima had grabbed me and pushed me down, making me lay flat inside the trunk.
"it's time for my gift.." He said to me, smirking at me as he got on top of me.
"..." I didn't reply, I just looked away, blushing and embarrassed.
We did 'it' until sunrise.
"Y/n, whats wrong-" 
"I'm missed work!? It's already 12 in the afternoon!? I had a meeting with the new director!" I shouted, angrily.
"It's all because of yo-"
"Who?" He asked, his face was inches away from mine.
I remained silent.
"Hm...Let's get back to sleep now.." He said, grabbing me in his embrace and laying down.
"..Fine.." I said.

The next day.
"Why weren't you here yesterday!? You wanna know how long I waited for you to arrive!? You backed up my whole schedule!" The director shouted, mad.
"ehehe...sorry director...I promise I won't do it again.." I said, apologizing.

The End (Of this valentine part) 

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter and I wish you and your partner (if you have one) a happy valentines.

I'm don't have a partner, but I will be getting chocolates for myself and binge watch anime all day.

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