$1200, and a hoodie

50 2 1

Familiar noises from donations were coming through left and right, a slight red tint painting Georges face as his eyes were fully concentrated on the blazes he was killing (trying to, at least)

Small grunts of frustration leaving his mouth every once in a while, "Guys you know I'm usually not this bad right this is seriously rigged." the clicking started to get louder, he caught on fire again and despite all of the effort, he died again.

George yelled, slowly going back into his chair before collecting himself and sitting back up, "I'll read some donations I missed, and chat too." he chirped before taking a sip of water,

"Happy birthday, Kayleigh! Thank you for the $30." he smiled, scrolling through some more, "How do you say water? Like... Water, how else." he paused, "Ohh right the American pronunciation, waadur" he let out an almost inaudible giggle,

Dream donated $100
you're saying it wrong

George glanced over at the second monitor almost immediately after hearing the familiar sound yet again, scanning through some more donations before he saw Dreams.

"I'm saying it wrong? Alright teacher Dream, teach me how to say it then." His response sounded playful and sarcastic, and it was meant to be. But he wouldn't mind back and forthing with Dream like this for a while.

Dream donated $100
i'll teach you if you put on some dream merch rn

"That's a terrible deal... Free advertisement to learn how to say water in an American accent" he inputs almost immediately after Dream donated "but 200 more and I'll do it." his small giggles inbetween words quickly turned into a laugh, "you're so stupid" he added.

Dream donated $200
they're gonna think i'm your sugar daddy :/

"Well, I mean...." George zoomed into his face "if that's what they want to believe." he zoomed back out and walked out of frame, "I'll put it on because I'm way too nice to scam Dream guys."

There was a faint noise of a hoodie falling on the floor, "Way too nice." he emphasized, awkwardly walking back into frame with a hoodie that was very clearly way too big for him, creating sweater paws and falling ever so slightly above his knees.

"I look so stupid but at least I got $400!" he sat down and put his headphones back on, "Anyways, I was reading donations, not just Dreams." his eyes went back to scanning previous donations.

"Hello Jenna, Kate and Hannah!" he grinned, "Can you say bi rights? Yes of course bi rights!" he added on, "George, if given the choi-"

Dream donated $100
you look cute

George knew Dream was joking, this is just how their friendship worked but something about the fact that right now. He's sitting in oversized Dream merch. After getting paid $400. And now getting called cute. Is making his heart pound, and a light shade of pink appear on his cheeks.

He tugged at the hoodie, "Is that so?" his breathing hitched. He wasn't sure if he wanted to enter this territory, he's flirted with Dream before and it was all banter, but he's never flirted in a situation like this, he's never felt this vulnerable even though he isn't, really.

Dream donated $100
would look cuter in one of my hoodies, i wonder if it'd fit the same

George rolled his eyes, breaking some blocks in Minecraft to collect his racing thoughts, does he mean that? Like would he ACTUALLY send one of his hoodies? Would he... Actually want to see him in his hoodie?

Dream donated $100
what do you think

"Why do you joke around like that it's so," he paused, looking for the right word, "sick." George breathed out. "I'm so sick of you" he laughed lightheartedly, "I think you should shut up" He nodded, agreeing with himself.

dono to your heart // dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now