Before We Begin

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I'm sure you all know how this goes! The CCs being shipped/included in this fic are all fine with the things that happen. (I've done my research I swear!) If this ever changes I will either change the names to my OCs or take this fic down completely as I just want to respect them and make sure they're comfortable!

I also want to make sure no one shoves the shipping into the CCs faces or the faces of other fans since not everyone is comfortable be with it, just be respectful!

With that out of the way, a little explanation behind this is due I suppose haha! I work at McDonald's and I came up with this while working the drive-thru one day since I was bored. Basically, there's a Taco Bell next door and the drive-thru windows face each other and the buildings aren't really that far apart so I have on many occasions made some awkward eye contact.

I was making jokes to myself like it was love at first sight, but our love is forbidden because they work at Taco Bell and I, McDonald's. And then, of course, the bright idea to write this spawned! 

This story is gonna be less plot-based than Sports (which you should check out if you haven't yet ;)) and I'm just gonna have fun with it and let the story write itself a bit rather than having things set in stone. There's a few scenes and ideas I definitely wanna fit in, but other than that I'm just running with it!

I really hope you enjoy and if you read all that, honestly, props to you, I probably would've skipped it. First chapter will be out soon!



(I'm def making every time I address you guys say love now, because I want to and I really do appreciate any and all support)

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