I should be getting ready for bed

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Sometimes, life..actually sucks. It does, and you're somehow so..convinced that the world is against you. Or, it's your mind against you. There's always something against you, you never REALLY stop fighting. Sure, you can have a million dollars a month, and have the PERFECT life but something is still undoubtedly, going to destroy you. It'll make you cry, whine, complain, and most of all, break. Come on, we're all a little broken, aren't we?

And, it's not like the world is out to get you. Life is just horrible, terrible, amazing, wonderful in the sense that you don't REALLY know what's going to happen to you. As a wise man once said, life is basically just reducing possibilities, and even then, it'll never get to zero percent. Now, I'm pretty sure you're going to look at this wall of text and go, "Really? I went on Wattpad today to read this STUPID teen post about how life is terrible? You don't think I know that?" AND HEY. I GET YOU. I'm in a pandemic for goodness sakes, I think I understand.

Of course, that's not putting down other things that have happened in 2020 too. You would think 2021 would be a better year. Well, for me, so far it hasn't. I won't get into it, and I'm sure most strangers won't be too keen as to listen to a random stranger going on Wattpad to ramble. I haven't been here for a while. But, hey, I'm bored. Let me be. Anyways, word vomit. It's so weird how I can really just speak my mind here, like wow, brain goes word vomit and my fingers go word dump. And strangers are reading this and going, "Hmmm. Interesting."

OH! SHOUT OUT TO MY FRIENDS READING THIS THOUGH! YOU'RE AWESOME. Anyways, I was going to write some angsty writing piece or something but apparently my brain decided to go "NOPE. WRITE ABOUT YOURSELF." And now I ruined the ding dang mood. It's horrible. I mean, if you guys want to..I can? By the way for some reason this reminded me of a horror story I read on Wattpad quite a few years ago and I remember being so scared and now I'm like "meh." Yes, I am very mature. Moving on. Hmm..let me see what I can make. 

Okay, for some reason my brain wants me to hit at least 500 words and frankly I don't have much to say, cause then I would be exposing my whole brain to Wattpad and that would be a no no. Wait..I'm almost there actually. Let's think about a topic that I can write about. By the way, I'm supposed to be getting ready for bed right now but I'm stupidly deciding to do this. I'm so sleep deprived oh gosh. I need sleep, but I don't take the initiative to actually give the quality sleep that I need. Why am I like this? No, scratch that. Why is the world like this? You know what, I HIT 500 words, I'm so happy yay. Okay, I should actually go sleep now, stranger/friend, you HAVE A GOOD ONE, AND SLAP LIFE IN THE FACE FOR ME. Wait, actually don't take advice from an anxious, sleep deprived, teenager. Bleh.

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