At Our Own Wedding

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One-shot, no warnings apply, cute af
Minor kagehina because I CANT HELP MYSELF, minor daisuge, bokuaka, kuroken~

....yes tsukki is a simp i couldn't help myself


The mall was busy, busier than most days. It didn't change the fact that no one was coming into the store, no matter who he tried to get to come in. He talked to about a dozen people that passed, trying to get them to look around or buy the latest product or phone plan. But alas, no one needed advertisement for a phone service when everyones was already set up. Until a tall gentleman with blonde hair and glasses stood in front of the store, looked at it, looked at his phone and turned to walk away.
"Excuse me sir!" Yamaguchi jogged after the man, who pretended like he didn't know him at first, because he didn't. He just didn't want people thinking he did. The man lookes the store employee up and down and continues walking.
"Excuse me, would you like to come in to look at our phones?" Yamaguchi asks, a bit of desperation in his voice.
"Why?" The stranger asks.
"Because we have amazingly low prices for one to four phone lines and if you switch now you get the latest IPhone on us all you have to do is pay for the plan!" Yamaguchi smiles at the man, who is clearly disinterested and would rather be literally anywhere else.
"...I have to go." The stranger replies.
"Please sir, my wage depends on how many people I can get to walk into the store." Yamaguchi bows.
"Sorry" The blonde walks away and goes up the escalator, he looks back for a mere second.
"Dangit" Yamaguchi whispers and goes to return to his post in front of the store.

A hour later.
Yamaguchi is now working at the desk, he switched places with his co-worker and good friend, Hinata.
"Hi would you like to try our-" He hears Hinata's voice and the sound of footsteps.
Yamaguchi looks up from the computer hes been staring at blankly for twenty minutes.
"How may I-" He is interrupted by a hand with a motion telling him to stop talking.
"You said your wage depends on it, and I've been needing a new phone so here I am" The tall stranger with glasses is back.
"I- sure okay let me tell you about" Yamaguchi is interrupted again.
"Im only here because the rest of the phone stores here looked like they suck so don't get happy." He demands.
"Sorry!" The employee says with a smile forming, not meaning too. He did mean he was sorry.
"Whatever, tell me about the latest phone." He halfway insists.
"Sure thing... ??" Yamaguchi is waiting for a name.
"Tsukkishima Kei" He replies. A suprised look covers Tsukkishima's face.
"Im going to call you Tsukki! You look like a Tsukki," Yamaguchi says smiling, putting his hands together.
"Dont you even-" Tsukki starts.
"Anyway you are here about the latest IPhone so lets go over to its display shall we?"
"I guess" The blonde mumbles.
"Great!" Yamaguchi says, turning around. He leads Tsukkishima over to the IPhone XX display, where he starts rambling about all the cool things about it, totally forgetting his job. Cute. Tsukkishima thinks.
"Oh right! How many phone lines will you be getting? If you get this one of course.." Yamaguchi asks.
"One" Tsukki says blandly.
"Okay well thats great! It would only be about 12 dollars a month for however long you are going to use it for. Of course you can always trade in the phone at any time, This one is free though if you switch over to our company!" Yamaguchi says, enjoying what hes talking about.
"You said that already" Tsukki says.
"Right... so have I given you enough information for you to want to buy it?" He asks the taller man.
"Fantastic!" Yamaguchi smiles, "What color would you like?"
"Black... If you have it" Tsukki says.
"Well what kind of phone store would we be if we didn't?" Yamaguchi reaches under the display and grabs the IPhone box. Its sleek looking. A cool picture of the phone sits on top and the words 'IPhone' are centered evenly on the sides.
"Are you sure I can't talk you into getting a more fun color? It doesn't change the price!" He smiles.
"One, what is your phone color? Two, you probably could talk me into buying half the store." Tsukki says, deadpanning.
"Green, and is that a challenge?" Yamaguchi smirks.
"No" Tsukki declares.
"Great follow me! A lot of people who buy the IPhone buy an Apple watch as well..." Yamaguchi walks toward another display, and like second nature, Tsukki follows.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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