The Beginning

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I try not to think about my early days, but it is what has kept me going all this time. Its a reminder to myself that no one is every truly in control of themselves. For some people the thing they cant control is a craving for a certain food or the type of person that they like. I am a different case. I am a monster and I hate myself for it.

Today is my first day in the Training Corps. I've been waiting for this day for a long time now. On the outside I show the usual no emotion straight face but on the inside I am anxious. I wasn't quite sure if they would let me because the right side of my face is always bandaged up and covered. I told myself that I wouldn't take shit from anyone about. That thought alone gave me the confidence and strength I need in order to beat someone's ass.

There was a good amount of people here. I am surprised that people still want to risk their lives for this crumbling world, but then again here I am doing just that. Maybe I am the crazy one. Very soon after a bald man came out and introduced himself. His name is Keith Sadies. He is the training Corps instructor. He definitely looks and speaks the part but I wonder if he can walk the part.

"Listen up all you maggots! I am not here to be your friend. I am here to either train you to become a soldier or kick your ass out of here."

It was a very nice speech. He walks around us asking some of the others for their names and why they joined up. I began to think what my why was but it was too late.

"Hey one eye what are you doing out here don't you know that we need people who can fight out here!"

Well shit I cant just attack the instructor, that wouldn't go down well. Just as I was about to answer I heard some guy snicker and whisper something about my eye to another guy.

"Sir with your permission may I beat the man over there's ass?"

"Why do you want to do that?"

"Sir, he laughed at my face and i told myself I wont take anyone's shit about it sir."

"Very well then, but after you will answer my question."

"Yes sir, thank you sir."

I one swift movement I was in front of the man who I heard laugh. He was an ordinary man, nothing that special about him. I punched him once in the face. With the impact of my fist I felt like I knocked a tooth out. I quietly walk back over to my original position. As I walked by I saw a lot of shocked faces. Even the instructor was shocked. None of their faces interested me except for one. There was a black hair girl, she was wearing a red scarf. She didn't stop looking straight. She did look familiar for some reason though, I cant quite put my finger on it.

I got back to my original position and answered the instructor's question.

"Sir my name is Kenichi. I am from the Shiganshina District. The reason I joined the training corps was to become a scout and kill as many titans and human scum as I can before I die."

"No surname, just Kenichi?

"Yes, sir I have known no other name."

"So Shiganshina district so that means you witness the attack. What happens if you die before you kill any titans and human scum?"

"Yes and no sir. I lived alone in the forests near Shiganshina district. I saw the titans break in from a far but to close. If I die before killing any titans or human scum I will be disappointed but ill be dead so it wont matter what my feelings are, sir."

"I have a feeling I am going to like you Kenichi."

"Also sir you did call me one eye so someday I would like to fight you as well."

"Oh yeah I can tell im going to like you. You are all dismissed for now go get set up in your rooms."

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