A new recruit

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Roman woke up in his room, only faintly recalling the events of the day prior. He sat up sighing. How could he let Paranoia get away again?! What would Logan, his boss, think? Another failed mission meant he might be demoted and no longer allowed to go on field missions and that would royally SUCK. He could only hope Logan would be too busy dealing with other issues to be able to be bothered by one minor failed mission.

He got out of bed and ready for the day, changing into his training uniform and styling his hair so it'd look good and stay out of his face, after all a prince has got to slay.

He made his way out of his apartment and calmly made his way to the cafeteria. The facilities of the organization Roman worked for weren't massive, after all not that many people had powers or were employed by the government, but it was easy for someone to get lost if they didn't know their way around. This was not Roman's case however.

Soon enough Roman got to the cafeteria, there were a few people there but it wasn't too crowded yet. He quickly noticed Patton a friend of his sitting at a table and talking to one of their newest recruits.

It'd been a while since they'd had anyone join so Patton the self proclaimed mentor and dad to everyone was ecstatic about the opportunity at making new friends and was trying his best to help make the new kiddo comfortable.

Roman walked over and sat at Patton's table, smiling as Patton greeted him.

"Good morning Ro! Oh uh- this is Janus!" Patton said referring to the other boy sitting with them at the table.

"Oh, I see." Roman said, taking in the boy in front of him, the first thing that caught his attention was a burn mark that covered about half of the guy's face, he wondered how that had happened but figured it'd be rude to ask.

Janus awkwardly half smiled at Roman. "I'm guessing you're Roman?"

"The one and only!" He smiled.

Janus nodded a bit, and didn't say anything else. Not that he really needed to since Patton had already started talking again.

A Sandersides superhero/secret agent AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now