Training (ft. These bi**hes gay)

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"So Janus, what's your 'special ability' exactly?" Roman asked. He and Janus where training together per Logan's request Roman was to help Janus train and make sure he got more adjusted to everything.

"Well, um- it's probably best if I show you.." Janus mumbles before shapeshifting into Roman and then quickly shapeshifting back.

Roman paused amazed. "Whoa! You just-"

"Mhm.." he replied nonchalantly.

"That's so cool!!!" Roman exclaimed, it'd been a while since he'd encountered someone with a power as interesting as this.

"You think so? That's new. Um, what did you say you could do again?" He asked, he already knew though, he wasn't dumb, he'd been paying attention and had an idea of what Roman could do from what Virgil had told him from having faced him in combat before.

"I can basically make things out of seemingly nothing, let me show you!" Roman smiled and summoned a red rose which he handed to Janus, it wasn't anything extraordinary but Janus gave him a curious look and didn't say anything.

Roman looked at him confused. "You don't like roses?"

Janus paused. "Hm? Oh, I just.. why a flower of all things?" He asked seeming.. amused? He could very well be wrong but Roman could've sworn he saw Janus blush for a fraction of a second.

Roman paused he hadn't been expecting that question, of course he subconsciously knew why he did it but he simply shrugged. Janus smiled ever so slightly, easily guessing Roman's possible motives but keeping that to himself.

"Anyway, I heard from Patton you're good at hand to hand combat?" Janus said, changing the subject.

"Oh, right- yes! We should probably get back to training." Roman smiled sheepishly, Janus thought it was kinda cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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