The Missing King

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Queen Minnie sat on her desk going over the various paperwork that came with running an entire Kingdom. Disney World was quite a unique place from the various cities like Spoonerville, Duckburg Cape Canard and of course the capital Toon Town just to name a few. With all the wacky zany citizens to content too each with their own problems, trials and heroics.

"Here are the daily reports" Daisy, her lady in waiting, said, handing her the paper, "Looks like Officer Bonkers had another...incident again"

"Thank you" Queen Minnie muttered, not really interested today.

Daisy groaned, "The King isn't here today is he"

"No" Queen Minnie looked to her side to see an empty chair.

Disneyland wasn't an easy world to rule over. There were so many people living here and many of them while unique in their own way were also quite hyper. Not a day went buy that there was some sort of explosion happening in a city because someone had a set of dynamite with them. Or perhaps a large car pile up because someone was driving on the wrong side of a road. Then of course there were various wannabe hero's fighting crime or some sort of low level villain. Minnie tried her best to keep some sort of organized chaos to the Kingdom. For she knew she could never control it completely and doing so would make her a tyrant but she couldn't let everything just crumble.

That is why she was always thankful to have the King that she loved and met by her side. He was a wise counselor in these sort of affairs of state.

For several years she had ruled over this land alongside her beloved the King. Together they strived to bring peace, justice and honor to their realm. It was not always easy and there was always a crisis or two to solve. Be it just random chaos from one of the larger cities or various fiends and villains like The Weasels, Beagle Boys, or worse...Pete the Cat.

Villains or not the King and Queen had been a duo in charge and nothing would change that.

Or, nothing until recently.

The King had become more and more distant, not emotionally of course. He was still his fun loving friendly self. No, not it was something more. He was spending much more time in the study, or going over records. Something in the back of his mind was bothering him. As of late he had spent time going to S.H.U.S.H, headquarters. Their kingdom's top intelligence agency, to discuss with the director. It was of course top secret but the Queen wanted to know what was going on. Thus it did not surprise her when the door to her office opened and popped in the richest duck in the world and the latest director of S.H.U.S.H, Scrooge McDuck himself, along with his top asset Agent 22 aka Mrs.Beakley aka defeater of the evil organization F.O.W.L.

"Scrooge, come in" Queen Minnie stood to summon him.

Scrooge and Beakly bowed as they approached.

Scrooge McDuck was a closer confidant of the Kings. This eccentric billionaire with his thirst for adventure fit right in almond his majesty's own love of knowledge and exploration. The two had many adventures together, even going beyond the borders of their kingdom in search of something grand. Just recently the Queen with the King's suggestion had appointed him to be the head of Disneyland's main spy agency S.H.U.S.H, an organization dedicated to stopping villains before anything bad happened. Ever since then the King had been taking great interest in the agency as well as it's activities. So much so that the Queen was starting to feel out of the loop more than usual.

Queen Minnie wanted to know just what the King and Scrooge had been up to the past months since he was appointed.

"Your majesty" Scrooge took Minnie's hand to kiss it gentlemanly like, "A honor, to what do I owe the summons"

"I think you know" Queen Minnie responded, "It's about the exploits of our King"

"Ah...the King...yes..." Scrooge looked nervously, his eyes darting around the room "I was just about to meet him today, but I suppose he can't keep everything a secret now can he"

Queen Minnie nodded and sighed, "I know something is going on with him, but I"m not quite sur what, he seems so distressed lately but I can't quite tell what it is"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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