Prologue: Dive into the Heart

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I've been having these strange dreams lately.

Every night, I dream I stand on the beach of my Island home, looking out over the ocean. Riku is there, he looks quite intent on something. I'm not exactly sure what though, I mean sure Riku always has that look sometimes but this time, something is off, it's like he's possessed. Especially lately, since Riku has always been looking out on the ocean lately, but in the dream he stands a few feet deep in the water, as if he's about to walk off and never look back.

It's so weird.

Guess my mom was right, I really shouldn't eat so much before bed, but these dreams have been going on a lot longer than just a few weeks and a few bad late nite snacks. Now the weird part with Riku starts though.

Every time, he turns to me, hand outstretched, only for a giant wave to appear behind him. Like he wants me to join him, and I want to join him. He is my best friend after all, someone I look up too. So why wouldn't I want to join him no matter where he goes. He's the best, and the fact he's standing by the ocean in front of a large wave it's well...It's really cool okay, I don't know why I have to explain it just is.

Quickly I run for it, always trying to grab it before the wave takes him. I'm not going to lose him, he's been my best friend for all these years, and I'm not going to lose him to a wave. No, I can't, I won't.

Yet I always do. Like it's faith that I can never be with him.

And I really...really...REALLY....want to be with him, because again come on, he's Riku, he's the best. Been my best friend since we were like born, we do everything together. Him and me, nothing can separate us.

The wave takes me too and I begin to fall into the water and swim away. When I rise to the surface, I see Kairi waving to me to come back. She's my other best friend. Didn't know her as long as I knew Riku, but she's also awesome. She's so sweet, kind and caring. A bit annoying at times though when she says I'm lazy, but hey, kids gotta sleep right. Even if it was ten in the morning and we had school already.

Anyway, I lost track of the story...Oh yeah.

Quickly I trudge towards her, and then, and now this is when things get weird. The Island shatters, completely, gone. Leaving me trying to not to fall as I keep going down.



Into darkness.

It's kinda scary to be honest, like a big black void of nothingness. Like, nothing at all, no light, no ocean, no island no friends. No nothing. Honestly, that's the scariest feeling you can ever have, when you have absolutely nothing and you don't know what to do.

Think the dream is getting dark, well not it just gets weird.

Eventually I touch the ground and a strange mural appears. Good thing too because I was afraid I was just going to keep falling. It was so bright, though I felt like I was almost about to be blinded. Thankfully the light dimmed and I was able to see again. Still, I was very confused as to what was actually going on.

"Hello!" I called out.


Dang it.

Well, now this dream is just getting weirder, heck I think this is the farthest I've gotten in it, normally I wake up by now. So this is definitely a change of pace, though I'm not really sure if this is a good thing or not.

Wish there was someone with me to talk too though. Don't really like being alone, no one to be with or just have someone next to me. It kinda stinks being alone. In fact no, it really stinks, having nothing, no friends, no family, no anyone, that really, really stinks.

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