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Nyx's POV

I have been running for a whole week. I have not yet shifted but I can sense that it is close, dangerously close. Maybe in a few minutes. It was very rare for someone to survive their first shift alone especially if you haven't had a decent meal for like 7 years. I thought to myself, 'maybe I can finally be free from this hateful world. If I had done all those thingy that they had said I did, then maybe...'
'Pstttttt... hey.' A voice said in my head. I looked around startled, who was speaking to me? 'Hey its me, your wolf Luna.'
'And me your angel Celeste.'
"Wait hold on, I am a hybrid?" I said out loud.
'Yep silly, and its nearly time for you to shift.' Celeste said. " But I wont survive my first shift alone" I told them. 'It's fine.' said Celeste 'yeah, and you wont be alone.' Said Luna. "Guys what do you mean?" I asked them but suddenly, three huge gigantic wolves, the size of a horse, emerged from the bushes that was surrounding me.

They were suddenly surrounded by flames and shifted back into their human forms. Then the one in the middle, covered in blue flames spoke, "I am Alpha Ethan. Why are you on the land of the Shadow Moon pack?" My eyes widened in realisation, the Shadow moon pack. A group of elite assassins that are also the most powerful werewolves in the world. They never interacted with the world and only appeared here and there to 'help' the rest of the werewolf race. I say 'help' because they always demand something in return. "Hello little wolf, are you going to stand there staring at us or are you going to say something?" The one on the right covered in red flames said. Just as I was going to answer them, a burning pain appeared out of nowhere that spread around my body. " Shit, she's shifting!" One of them said. I think it was Ethan but I was not sure. It didn't matter, everything around me was burning and burning. I heard something cracking and then after another minute or two, the pain stopped.

The first thing that I awoke to was someone running their fingers through my fur. Wait fur? I then opened my eyes, and was overwhelmed with the brightness of it all so I quickly closed it. "Don't fully open them yet, slowly open them and let them adjust to the brightness of it all." Someone said to my left. " She's a beauty right?" The same voice asked someone else next to them. "Right."Someone grunted next to me. I then decided to open my eyes slowly. The first thing I saw was three concerned faces looking down at me. I quickly stood up wobbling a bit but adjusted quickly. I looked behind me and saw my silver fur. I looked... beautiful. "Yep you do Nyx." "Luna and Celeste!" 'Yep those are our names.' said Celeste jokingly. "Guys, how do I look?" 'Well see for yourself' said Celeste and Luna. I perked my ears up, I hear rushing water so I quickly ran in that direction and in a split second was peering at the rushing water. "Guys I can't see properly" Just as I said this the water stopped flowing. Huh weird. But that thought was quickly cut off as I saw my reflection in the now still water. My fur was indeed silver but what weirded me out was that I had... WINGS? "Guys, Celeste? What is happening?"
'Oh that.' Muttered Celeste .
'You are freaking her out dimwit.' Stated Luna
'It's not as if I can take the wings away from her, so Nyx, if you want them to go away just imagine them going back into your body. You can also bring your wings out in human form as well. But don't put them away now. You need to let your body get used to it for awhile before putting them back.' Celeste told me. I didn't reply to her, I was too busy staring at them. I tried to lift them but stabbing pains shot from my back. 'Oh don't try to lift them yet. You need to wait for a bit before moving them.' Celeste stated unhelpfully. "Well you could have said that earlier" 'Nah, it was more fun making you suffer.' She said before retreating to the back of my mind where I couldn't reach her.

Just then the three wolves that I had met earlier crashed into the clearing that I stood in.(Photo above). They looked pissed and stood there growling at me. Suddenly their fur lit on flames and they grew in size. Uh oh I was in trouble.

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